How does the school assess and review the progress of my child’s SEND needs?

19th October 2017

People Responsible – Class Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Heads of Year, School Leadership Team

As a school, we measure children’s progress in KS3 learning in Trajectories linked to their expected progress towards GCSE grades and, to an extent, age-related expectations.  The class teachers continually assess each child and note areas where they are improving and where further support is needed.

We track and monitor children’s progress using a variety of different methods including Trajectories linked to their expected progress towards GCSE grades, performance in mock exams and assessments, and reading and spelling ages.

Class teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Heads of Year and members of the Senior Leadership Team meet regularly to discuss pupil progress.  Children who are not making expected progress are picked up through regular review meetings with the Curriculum Leaders for each subject, the SENDCo and the Senior Leadership Team.  They will meet to discuss potential barriers to learning and what further support can be given to aid pupil progression.  The SENDCo regularly meets with the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for pupil progress and data to discuss the progress of pupils with SEND.

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