Work Experience, Part Time Work, and Volunteering

Work Experience is a valuable part of every pupils development, in Year 10 our pupils undertake a weeks work experience, for 2025 this will be Monday 31st March to Friday 4th April. Nearer the time we will be including some important documents for you to access on this page.

How to write a CV
A CV, short for the Latin phrase curriculum vitae, which means ‘course of life’, is a document that details your best qualities and is generally sent to an employer when applying for work.
From our experience some employers taking Year 10 pupils for work experience require them to submit a CV to them when applying. It is also useful to prepare one in Year 10/11 if you are considering looking for part time work.

For help with writing a CV, please see the following websites:
How to write a CV for year 10 work experience (and example)
How To Write Your First CV – Step by Step Guide for Students

Virtual Work Experience
In addition to the above compulsory Year 10 Work Experience there are a range of large companies that are now offering people the opportunity to undertake Virtual Work Experience. These are optional and open to anyone aged 14+ so perfect for Year 10 to undertake but also for Year 11 post-exams.
Depending on the programme, they vary in length and you can undertake them in your own time. Once completed not only are you issued with a certificate but it is the perfect addition to your CV and they are totally free!

Please see just some of the opportunities below:
1. John Lewis Partnership Virtual Work Experience
2. Barclays Virtual Work Experience
3. NHS Virtual Work Experience
4. Airbus Aerospace Work Experience
5. Brighton and Sussex Medical School (for those looking to apply to medical school) BSMS Virtual Work Experience
6. Various options Services and Products – Future First
7. Various opportunities – Springpod

Applying for part time work
Once you turn 16 there is the opportunity to apply for part time work, some things to bear in mind when considering this is whether or not it will impact your studies, how many hours you are willing to work and what working environment do you feel comfortable in.
It is also important to check your rights when working under 18;
Check your rights at work if you’re under 18 – Citizens Advice.

Larger companies which hire 16-year-olds are:
1. McDonald’s, Dominos, KFC and Subway
2. Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda
3. Primark, M&S and JD Sports

This is not an exhaustive list and there are many more independent and small businesses looking for weekend, holiday or evening staff.
If you are interested in part time work it is important to be proactive in your approach, ensure you have a CV, professional email address and working mobile phone (without a unprofessional voicemail message), these will all help you be more successful in securing employment.

Volunteering can be a valuable and enriching opportunity for many young people and can help build real life experiences. Whilst some options are only 18+, many now offer youth volunteering programmes for 16 and 17-year-olds.

Some useful links for more information are:
1. Volunteering advice | National Careers Service
2. Search for a local volunteering opportunity – Get Volunteering
3. Volunteering |

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