Year 7

At Cams Hill School, we have a carefully planned transition process, which is designed to support parents/carers as well as pupils. In addition to our Open Evening in September, when parents/carers and pupils have the opportunity to view the school, talk to staff and current students as well as gain a flavour of the atmosphere and ethos of the school, we run regular tours during the day by appointment so that the school can be seen ‘in action’.

Once a place at Cams Hill has been awarded, our team works closely with pupils’ current primary schools to aid a smooth transition and enable us to gain a good understanding of their needs as an individual. The close links that we have with our feeder schools help us place our pupils in the right groups for them and enables us to prepare any additional support that they may need when they arrive with us in September. We also offer parent clinic appointments, which give parents/carers the opportunity to meet a member of the Year 7 team and ask any questions that they may have ahead of the transition to our wonderful school. Our extra-

transition and induction days are held in the summer term, helping pupils to familiarise themselves with their new secondary school, tutor groups and key teachers.

Mrs Salt and Mrs Tolliday (our non-teaching member of the Year 7 team), are based in the Year 7 office throughout the day and are accessible to all of our pupils. We oversee all the form tutors across the year group and handle a range of issues concerning student welfare and happiness, concerns over attendance and punctuality as well as dealing with discipline issues.

The first point of contact for pupils and parents/carers should be the relevant form tutor, as they handle day to day matters and give advice where needed or requested. The incredible team of Tutor Buddies work closely with our tutors to support with transition.

There are several opportunities for parents/carers to stay informed about their child’s progress and wellbeing throughout the school year. In the first half term snapshot reports are sent home, which are completed by each child’s subject teachers, and a Year 7 Tutor Evening is held in October.

The support and involvement of parents / carers is vital and a major factor in the school’s success. Parents are always made welcome in school. We also keep in contact via emails and regular letters, parent/carer meetings, ClassCharts and progress reports.


Mrs Jenni Salt – Head of Year 7

Mrs Gemma Tolliday – Assistant Head of Year 7

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