Social Sciences
Department Ethos
Social Studies education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
Social Studies helps equip young people to deal with situations of conflict and controversy knowledgeably and tolerantly. It helps by educating pupils on how to understand the consequences of their actions, and those of the adults around them as well as teaching them about how the UK is run and how they can contribute to our communities helping them become better citizens.
Social Studies Curriculum Content
Learn more about Social Science at Cams Hill
The Key Stage 3 and Key stage 4 curriculum has been designed to embrace the National Curriculum for PSHE and Citizenship. The PSHE Association has identified 3 strands for PSHE; Relationships, living in the Wider World and Healthy Living and together with Citizenship, these 4 strands create our curriculum which is delivered to our pupils by their tutors twice a week.
Pupils also have 4 Enrichment days throughout the academic year in which all pupils in the school drop off of their timetable and learn about PDLC (Personal Development Learning and Citizenship). These sessions are delivered by the tutors and where possible, more specialist visitors to enhance our pupils learning experience.
Download Bob Tait- Useful Information Sites on the Internet
Download Bob Tait -Types of Drugs (Word)
Download Bob Tait- Drug class table
Download Bob Tait - Nitrous Oxide
Download Bob Tait - Drugs and the Law