Relationships and Sex Education Consultation
Relationships and Sex Education consultation
November 2024
Thank you to all our parents and carers who viewed or responded to the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) consultation.
You told us that the policy is easy to understand. Based on feedback, a summary of the aim of the policy has been added to the ‘Summary’ section.
You told us that you are confident that the planned curriculum will support your child to:
- learn about family relationships;
- identify and maintain respectful relationships, including friendships;
- identify the characteristics of healthy intimate and sexual relationships;
- learn how to stay safe online; and
- identify and avoid risky behaviour, including risky sexual behaviour.
Many respondents also recognised the important role of parents and carers in supporting pupils with RSE, and the challenges pupils face in a rapidly changing society.
In response to queries raised, the following can be confirmed.
- All consequences of having sex at a legal age, both positive and negative, are explored, as are those of choosing not to have sex.
- Teaching on marriage and family life takes place in Year 8. The benefits of marriage are explored, and are considered carefully alongside the faiths of pupils in this school.
- Contraception is taught in detail in the Spring Term of Year 9.
- Legal consequences of sharing intimate images are taught in the Autumn Terms of Years 8 and 9.
- Consent, and how to give or refuse consent, are taught in the Spring Term of Year 9 and builds upon the lessons in physical and emotional boundaries delivered in the Autumn Terms of Years 7 and 8.
- Body image is taught in the Spring Term of Year 7, following lessons on physical health and hygiene.
All resources and the updated policies will be available to view on this page shortly.
Please note that the curriculum and resources are reviewed and updated periodically. Individual teachers will adapt their teaching from these resources to meet the needs of the pupils in their classes.
If you would like to, you can read and review the following documents:

To help you to understand the curriculum requirements we need to meet, a list of what all pupils are expected to know by the end of secondary school is included as Appendix 1 in the draft policy.