Latest News
21st February 2018
9th February 2018
Weekly Message
Yesterday evening, the school held the second of its Year 9 careers/courses evenings. This was an opportunity for Year 9 pupils and their parents to come in to learn about the variety of courses offered in Key Stage 4. It was an extremely well-attended evening – thank you to everyone who made it such a positive and successful event.
2nd February 2018
Weekly Message
We are very proud of our broad and balanced curriculum at Cams Hill School. This week, pupils have had opportunities to take part in exciting challenges which stretched their abilities to apply knowledge and think creatively in a range of subject areas.
26th January 2018
Weekly Message
On Tuesday, the school suspended its normal timetable to hold its second Enrichment Day of 2017-18. These days are used to explore aspects of personal development learning in depth and Years 7, 8 and 10 spent time looking at charity, mental health, and sex and relationships education. Year 9 were off-timetable for Holocaust Day, an opportunity to learn about the terrible events during the Holocaust and to listen to a talk from Walter, one of the few remaining Holocaust survivors. Year 11 spent the entire day working with the Science Department, along with some helpful input from the Maths Department to look at how Maths is used in Science. Thank you to all of the staff who spent time preparing a range of interesting resources for this day.
19th January 2018