Latest News
25th May 2018
Weekly Message
This week, Year 7 pupils took part in an Art trip to Southampton. Pupils had an opportunity to experience an art gallery setting and were introduced to the wider world of Art, Craft and Design – a key experience as part of the school’s broad and balanced curriculum. Thank you to all of the staff who arranged this and also to the pupils, whose behaviour was exemplary.
18th May 2018
Weekly Message
We would like to remind you that the changed timings during the school day will continue until 15 June. This is to accommodate the large number of GCSE exams that are taking place. Every morning, Year 11 pupils have come in early to take advantage of the pre-exam warmup sessions as well as the free breakfast provided by the school: bananas; cereal bars; and water are all available to help them sit their exams properly fuelled.
11th May 2018
Weekly Message
The GCSE exams start in earnest next week so we would like to advise all of you on some changes in timings during the day which are taking place to accommodate the exams. For the entire exam period until the end of June, the times of the school day will be changing to Tuesday timings but with two lessons each afternoon. This is because of the large number of examinations we have this year both in mornings and afternoons.
4th May 2018
Weekly Message
Firstly a reminder that the school is closed on Monday 7 May because of the Bank Holiday weekend. Weather forecasts are good so we hope you are all able to enjoy it.
27th April 2018
Weekly Message
GCSEs have begun with Year 11 pupils sitting their Graphics, Art, Textiles and Photography exams this week. From this point onwards, there are GCSE exams every week. Good luck to all of the pupils involved. It is a stressful time for pupils, parents and staff alike.