Weekly Newsletter 29 June 2018


29th June 2018

Weekly Message

The weather forecasts for next week are for continued hot weather. Therefore, the amended rules for uniform remain as this week:

  • Relaxed school uniform – no blazer, no tie (these items can be left at home), sleeves can be rolled up.  All other uniform expectations remain the same or
  • PE Kit – royal blue shorts, white polo shirt, white socks, trainers. (no leggings) or
  • A blended approach – pupils may wear school shoes, trousers or skirt but with a white polo shirt.  Pupils choosing to wear school trousers or skirt must wear school shoes and black socks, not trainers or white socks.

Can we please stress that normal school rules on hair, make-up, nails and jewellery apply to all uniform options. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind pupils to bring in water bottles. Despite the hot weather, there have still been a number of pupils who have come into school without suitable containers for water. There are water dispensers in school in the main building and in the PE block.

Lastly, the online issues affecting Scopay and cashless catering payments have all been resolved. Scopay have apologised for any inconvenience caused.

A separate letter will follow next week confirming the menu options available over the last two weeks of term when there will be no Dining Hall or kitchen facilities because of the building work that needs to take place.

We hope that you all have a good weekend.


The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:


Key Dates

June 2019
Monday 17Year 11: GCSE German Paper 4 (AM 1h/1h 15m)
Year 11: GCSE Certificate in Further Mathematics (calculator) (PM 2h)
Year 8 & 9: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition
Tuesday 18Year 11: GCSE Additional Mathematics (AM 2h)
Year 11: GCSE Hospitality and Catering Spec A - Unit 1 (on screen) (AM 1h 45m)
Year 7: Parents Evening
Wednesday 19Year 10 Mock Exam: Statistics Paper 1 10C
Year 10 Mock Exam: PE Paper 2 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Drama 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Catering 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Biology Paper 1 (am)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Biology Paper 1
Year 7: Gosport and Fareham Track and Field Athletics Championships Mountbatten Centre Portsmouth
Thursday 20Year 8: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition Entries DEADLINE
Year 10 Mock Exam: Maths Paper 1 (non-calculator)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Business Paper 1
Friday 21Year 10 Mock Exam: Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Geography Paper 1
TBC Year 9: Stem Event


Cams Hill School – Steve Tasane Author Visit



Pupils and staff were privileged indeed to host published author and performance poet Steve Tasane on Monday 18 June. Steve presented seminars to Year 10 pupils, hosted a lunch time discussion group and gave presentations to Years 7, 8 and 9 in our Events Hall.

Pupils heard how Steve finds inspiration for his work, how he structures his stories and what life is like as a writer. He took questions from the floor and showed the moving and poignant promotional video that accompanies his latest publication, Child I – a story based on the experiences of refugee children in Syria.

Steve also met with pupils and signed copies of his books, talking to them about their own book ideas and giving expert advice on getting your work published.

This is the first of several book-related events we hope to hold for pupils over the coming year, with the aim of encouraging and promoting reading for pleasure.


Hampshire School Games – Volleyball



The Year 10 Volleyball team represented Cams Hill School on a scorching day in Aldershot on Friday 22 June in the Hampshire School Games.

Our two teams of players fought in their first tournament valiantly against some tough opposition, with one team losing out on two wins by a golden point after the buzzer!

Both teams came away from the group stages in 3rd place, meaning a head to head Cams Vs Cams for 5th/6th place playoff.

A great day for the boys, excellent preparation for future competitions!



Year 9/10 boys’ softball team (plus Year 10 and Year 8 girls!) played their first fixture in the softball league. We came away winning against a Year 9/10 boys’ team from Brookfield as 5-4 winners, losing to Brune Park 6-2 and winning our final game in the last play of the match 4-3!


Library Reading Wall



Puzzle Corner



Sports News

w/c 25 June 2018

Year 7 Rounders – venue TBC

Year 7 Softball – venue TBC

Year 8 Softball – venue TBC

Year 8 Rounders Tournament – venue TBC



Latest Menu


Free school meals must only use the Dining Hall at lunch time, and have either a MEAL DEAL or MAIN MEAL.




Nearly New Uniform Sale



Lost Property


If items are not found on the day they are lost, please keep checking with the Medical Room as they can often take a couple of weeks to reach us.

Monday 09 July 2018 - Friday 13 July 2018
Padded Beige hoodie uk 18-20 Ayacucho
Black Mountain Warehouse Coat size M
White NB trainers size 7.5
Black/white adidas football boots size 11
Black plimsoles size 5
Nike trainers Blue speckled size 5
White/Green Nike football boots size 7
Various keys, glasses, jewellery
White Headphones
PE kit in White bag
White Cedar Wood State Hoodie size S
Grey Hoodie “I’m so freaking cold” size S
Light Grey Next hoodie size 13 years
Green Next Sun cap 7-10 years
Various Water bottles
Grey Hype jumper size 11-12 years
PE Kit in Navy Bag (Bottoms size 20, Top size L)
Black Clarks shoes size 9G
Black Capsule trainers size 8
Black laced plimsoles size 4
1 Black Slazenger plimsole size 3
Fox Head purse with Yellow wrist band


A polite reminder to parents/carers – please ensure that all property is clearly named with the pupil’s name and tutor group.

Various keys, watches and pairs of spectacles are kept in the Medical Room when handed into lost property. When named items are handed in to the Medical Room Form Tutors are notified by e-mail or printed slips, which are sent in school registers, to ask pupils to come and collect the items.



School Trips Update

You may pay online for the majority of trips at https://www.scopay.com/camshill-hants


Year 10 History GCSE Trip to Berlin – July 2018
PAYMENTS NOW OVERDUE – Final instalment was due Monday 30 April 2018
Any remaining payments must be paid ASAP

History Trip to Berlin 2018Payment ByAmountTotal
First non-refundable depositMonday 27 November 2017£150.00£150.00
Second non-refundable depositFriday 15 December 2017£100.00£250.00
First instalmentWednesday 31 January 2018£50.00£300.00
Second instalmentWednesday 28 February 2018£100.00£400.00
Third instalmentThursday 29 March 2018£100.00£500.00
Fourth and final instalmentMonday 30 April 2018£100.00£600.00


Water Sports Trip to the Ardeche – July/August 2018
PAYMENTS ARE NOW OVERDUE – Final instalment was due Monday 30 April 2018
Any remaining payments must be paid ASAP

Ardeche 2018Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit24 May 2017£100.00£100.00
Second non-refundable deposit30 June 2017£100.00£200.00
First instalment21 July 2017£60.00£260.00
Second instalment29 September 2017£60.00£320.00
Third instalment31 October 2017£60.00£380.00
Fourth instalment30 November 2017£60.00£440.00
Fifth instalment31 January 2018£55.00£495.00
Sixth instalment28 February 2018£55.00£550.00
Seventh instalment29 March 2018£55.00£605.00
Eighth and final instalment30 April 2018£55.00£660.00


Ski Trip 2019 (Years 7-9) – April 2019
Fifth instalment of £75.00 due by Friday 29 June 2018

Ski Trip 2019Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit20 October 2017£100.00£100.00
Second non-refundable deposit24 November 2017£100.00£200.00
First instalment28 February 2018£95.00£295.00
Second instalment29 March 2018£75.00£370.00
Third instalment30 April 2018£75.00£445.00
Fourth instalment25 May 2018£75.00£520.00
Fifth instalment29 June 2018£75.00£595.00
Sixth instalment28 September 2018£75.00£670.00
Seventh instalment31 October 2018£75.00£745.00
Eighth instalment30 November 2018£75.00£820.00
Ninth and final instalment14 December 2018£65.00£885.00



Miscellaneous News Items

Disclaimer: Cams Hill School is not recommending the following services, simply providing information that may be of interest. We cannot vouch for safeguarding, insurance or health and safety aspects of these companies so please access their websites for further information. 


Immunisations Leaflet

Please find a download link for the full leaflet here (.pdf)

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Our access to Class Charts is now restored.