Weekly Message 99 – 26 February 2021


26th February 2021

Credit Averages for This Week


Year 7                  5.01

Year 8                  3.78

Year 9                  3.53

Year 10                2.50

Year 11                2.69


Welcome back to all our readers following the half-term break – we hope that you were able to enjoy some rest and relaxation in these extraordinary times.


On Monday, we waited in anticipation for the Government’s Roadmap and what this meant for our school community over the coming weeks. With the announcement of a return to school for all pupils from 8 March 2021, we have spent the rest of this week reading the guidance, revisiting risk assessments and risk reduction measures, preparing the building and upscaling our Asymptomatic Test Centre (ATS) in readiness for the 3,600 pupil tests that will be undertaken.


Return to School (RTS)


Parents/carers have been sent several communications this week which detail arrangements for the return to school and the asymptomatic testing programme. Please visit the dedicated page on our website which catalogues all the information we have provided over the past week.


INSET Day – change of date


We remind pupils, parents and carers that we have changed the date of the forthcoming INSET Day from 12 March 2021 to 5 March 2021. There will be no Real Time Provision or Critical Workers Online School Provision (CWOSP) on the INSET Day.


Online Safety – Omegle

Below is a link to a document from National Online Safety regarding Omegle.

online safety 210226



The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:





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Our access to Class Charts is now restored.