Weekly Message 89 – 27 November 2020


27th November 2020

Achievement Points Averages for This Week

(to Thursday 26 November 2020)

Year 7    4.42

Year 8    2.39

Year 9    3.21

Year 10   2.54

Year 11   1.52


This week we welcomed back our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils after their period of home learning; we missed them and it is great to see and hear them back on the school site.


It has been a short week for all pupils with the INSET Day on Monday. Teachers spent the day moderating and standardising the Year 11 Mock Exam marking. Focussed discussion about the pupils’ responses to the exam questions now informs future planning and preparation for the lessons to take place between now and the actual exams. Pupils will also be receiving feedback in their lessons to inform their own preparation and revision.


Year 11 Subject Parents’ Evening

This is due to take place on Tuesday 8 December 2020. Parents and Carers will be able to meet online, with each of their child’s subject teachers. Specific details have been sent to parents/carers on how to make the appointments as well as information about the format of the virtual meeting as per the links below.






Christmas at Cams Hill School – Tutor Base Competition


It is most definitely starting to feel festive around the Cams Hill site as Christmas trees and decorations brighten up our classrooms and corridors. This year, we are also holding a rather lovely tutor base competition. Each tutor group’s efforts will be judged in two categories – Eco Friendly and Traditional.


The bar has been set high with the beautiful “Eco friendly” offering from Miss Righetti’s Year 7 Tutor Group … though I think Miss Hull might be a bit jealous and, on the sabotage 😊


We invite all pupils to get busy and get involved with this festive fun!

#CamsAndChristmas #FeelingFestive


NHS Latest News and Health Information


Below is a newsletter from NHS Southern health which they have asked us to share with parents/carers.

November schools Letter FINAL (2)



Lost Property

We advise pupils, parents and carers that all lost property will be cleared at the end of this term.  Could you please ask your children, if they are missing anything, to come and check in lost property which is kept in the First Aid Room.



Join the Portchester Beach Clean organised by @TheLitterLadiesThatLunch

Big and small hands – Portchester challenge!

All you need is a pair of gloves + bucket

Most inhabitants of Portchester are small, wear feathers and feed along the shoreline.

Have you noticed the little pieces of plastic that wash up along our shore?

We can all help clean up the mess and help nature feed better this winter.

With endless rubbish amongst the seaweed, it’s simply impossible without hands


So put your best fighting gloves on and join us on Saturday 5th December at Port Solent, Portchester Castle, Alton Road, Wicor Recreation Ground and Cams Bay

Pickers* can be provided – contact @TheLitterLadiesThatLunch

(*subject to availability and must be returned)


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