Weekly Message 88 – 20 November 2020


20th November 2020

Achievement Points Averages for This Week

Year 7      0.2

Year 8      0.15

Year 9      4.89

Year 10    3.96

Year 11    1.71


We have lots of information to share with our readers this week with a great deal going on despite the school not being quite as we know it during the global pandemic.


Mrs Harrison-Jones has written to all parents/carers today with an end of week update as we conclude Week 10 of the Autumn Term.  We thank parents/carers for their patience and flexibility as we respond to circumstances and adapt provision, to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all pupils and staff.


Parents and carers are reminded that the school is closed to pupils on Monday 23 November 2020 as staff engage in training (INSET) and that the Year 8 Tutor Parents’ Evening is taking place on Tuesday 1 December 2020 from 1530 to 1830. Parents/carers of Year 8 pupils should look out for a letter early next week with specific details.


Remote Peripatetic Music Lessons and INSET Day

Parents and Carers will be aware that peripatetic music lessons continue on INSET Days.


Please be advised that on Monday 23 November 2020, these will be delivered via Zoom so that pupils can remain at home. The peripatetic music teacher will send a Zoom link to the pupil’s email address ahead of their lesson on Monday.


Art Department YouTube Channel

The Art Department have been busy uploading some of their ‘How to’ videos onto the departments You Tube channel. These videos have been supporting learning for pupils in class and will be used when pupils are learning at home. Please take a look and enjoy!!





House Points and Challenges

At present we have 3 house challenges that are still up and running.

  • English Poem Challenge – concludes first week in December (for details see below)
  • MFL – concludes the first week in December.
  • The Wave105 1000 faces which ends on the 30 November.


Thank you so much to all those pupils who have been running to raise money for Wave105 1000 faces. If there is more sponsorship money to come in, we ask that pupils take it to the Finance Office in an envelope with their name and house name on the front as well as the number of miles they have run.

Don’t forget every £1 raised will also be a point for their House.

You will see that pupils, parents and carers have until 30 November to take part in the Wave105 1000 faces fund raising event – let’s get running!


Upcoming events: A card race with 8 pupils maximum from each house to take part. Where? In the Sports Hall. When? At breaktime as follows:

Year 7 – Tuesday 24 November

Year 8 – Wednesday 25 November

Year 9 – Thursday 26 November

Year 10 – Friday 27 November

Year 11 – Monday 30 November


There will also be points for foodbank donations in December (box near entrance to the school) and a possible Santa Dash! Watch this space! 😉


Current scores for House Points are:

4th Place – Invincible = 86

3rd Place – Warrior = 260

2nd Place – Endeavour = 312

1st Place – Illustrious = 439

This will change when the totals have been added on for Wave105 1000 faces – so please donate where you can 😊


Poet Tree Challenge



We want you to create a poem based on the theme of trees. All Entries will receive 10 house points. The five best poems from each year group will be awarded 100 points for their house.

Second place will receive 75 points.

Third place will receive 50 points.

Return to Miss S Hopkins En2 or  shopkins@camshill.com by 10 December 2020.


A Reminder to Parents/Carers

Just a reminder that children should not be in school until 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and diarrhoea.  Thank you for your co-operation.

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Our access to Class Charts is now restored.