Weekly Message 82 – 2 September 2020


2nd October 2020

Achievement Points Averages for This Week

Year 7      5.98

Year 8      4.49

Year 9      5.82

Year 10    4.08

Year 11    4.55


Despite some wet weather this week, we managed to spend every break and lunchtime outside!


We see that lots of pupils now have coats and we encourage those without coats in school to bring one with them every day as we will only move to a ‘wet break’ if the rain is heavy and persistent.


As it gets cooler, we remind pupils, parents and carers that pupils are permitted to wear the PE jumper or school jumper under their blazer for an extra layer of warmth.  Please be advised that other jumpers/hoodies are not permitted and pupils will be asked to remove them on arrival to school.

Face Coverings/Masks

We ask that all pupils have a mask (and possibly a spare) with them in school. Some pupils are forgetting to bring a mask with them, particularly towards the end of the week.


From Monday next week, we will be selling disposable masks from the mobile catering unit at the side of Main Reception from 0830 to 0900 during the staggered start time. Pupils can purchase one of these if they forget their own mask using their ‘fingerprint’ and online account.

Dates for the Diary

The Year 7 Settling-in Evening is coming up soon on Tuesday 13 October 2020 as well as the Year 10 Tutor Parents’ Evening. Both evenings will be virtual, and parents/carers have been sent further details. Please do let us know if this has not been the case.

Extra-Curricular Provision

As well as in PE we have a few more extra-curricular activities on offer to our pupils – please see our website for the full timetable.

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

A group of 35 Year 11 pupils completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award expedition last weekend and we are pleased to share that all successfully passed.

The pupils were an absolute credit to the school, and we congratulate them on their incredible achievement. Thank you also to all the staff that volunteered their time to help and Mr Townsend for his oversight.

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