Weekly Message 79 – 11 September 2020


11th September 2020

Credit Averages for This Week

(Monday 7 September 2020 – Thursday 10 September 2020)

Year 7              4.10

Year 8              3.46

Year 9              2.57

Year 10            3.43

Year 11            2.43

We Are Back

The school is open to all pupils and a new term is underway. For our new readers, this is our weekly message which offers a reflection on the week past, is a vehicle to celebrate pupil success, contribution and achievement and to highlight forthcoming events and activities. We ask parents and carers to also refer to the school’s website and calendar to keep up-to-date with more specific details about the year ahead.

Pupils have arrived prepared for the year ahead with many meeting new teachers and experiencing some subjects for the first time. Year 7 pupils have spent time with their tutors familiarising themselves with their new school routine, getting to know each other and making new friends. They are successfully navigating themselves around school and enjoying the level of independence the secondary school environment offers.

Virtual assemblies have taken place with all year groups. We have reminded pupils of the school’s fundamental principles of Ready, Respectful, Safe as well as our three Bs: Be thoughtful, Be kind and Be patient. Our pupils have demonstrated their understanding of these expectations as they make their way around school, considerate of others and with a positive attitude to learning in the classroom with their teachers.

Should you have any queries that you wish to raise with the school over the coming weeks and year, please contact your child’s tutor if the query is of a general nature or the relevant teacher if the query is specifically related to a subject/lesson. Contact details can be found on the school’s website www.camshill.com.

The start of a new school year is always an exciting time and there has been a real buzz about the place this week; we very much look forward to working with pupils, parents and carers throughout the year that lies ahead.

PE – Clubs and Activities

As of 21 September, the PE Department will begin the provision of after school clubs. All pupils are welcome to attend clubs on their allocated evenings so as to remain in year group bubbles. As there are no competitive fixtures yet against other schools, all clubs are based around participation and enjoyment. Inter-house competitions will also be held on these specific evenings. Please click on the link below to see which year groups are on which evening.

PE Extra Curricular 20-21 Autumn Term

Lost Property

The following items are currently in Lost Property in the First Aid Room:

· 2 x bunches of keys

· A handful of single keys



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