Weekly Message 75 – 26 June 2020


26th June 2020

Weekly Message – Issue 75


As the Government continue to ease up on lockdown measures, we have been able to continually evolve provision to support pupils with their learning.


We are excited to be able to welcome Year 10 pupils back into school as of Monday 29 June 2020 with no more than a quarter of the year group in school at any one time in line with guidance.


Pupils have been invited to come in for 2-hours on two days each week for the next two weeks to receive specialist input in Maths and English. When not in school, pupils will continue to follow their school timetable and benefit from the live and pre-recorded lessons that are being prepared by their own subject teachers.


As well as the on-site experience pupils will have with Maths and English teachers, this will also offer pupils the opportunity to make a re-connection and physical return to school buildings prior to the summer break.


Pupils, parents and carers have been sent a letter detailing the specific arrangements for Year 10 pupils coming onto the school site.


Live Tutor Sessions

This week following the 1-2-1 tutor reconnection Zoom calls, all Year 10 pupils were invited to take part in a live tutor session with their individual tutors.


Following on from the overwhelming success of these live tutor sessions, and listening to feedback from pupils, parents and carers, we are going to be implementing live virtual tutor sessions for all pupils in Years 7-9 commencing with Year 7 on Monday 29 June 2020.


Year 8 tutors will hold their live tutor sessions on Tuesday 30 June 2020 and Year 9 tutors will hold their sessions on Wednesday 1 July 2020.


All sessions will start at 1400. Links to join these sessions will be sent by your child’s tutor and posted on CHOC.


These meetings will provide all our pupils with the opportunity to have further contact with their tutors and to reconnect with their peers.


INSET Dates and First Day of Term

We will shortly be publishing the main school calendar for parents and carers ahead of the new academic year. In the meantime, we can confirm the following:


3 September 2020           INSET Day – School closed to all pupils

4 September 2020           First day of term for Year 7 pupils only

7 September 2020           First day of term for Year 8 – 11 pupils – school open to all pupils

23 October 2020              INSET Day – School closed to all pupils

23 November 2020         INSET Day – School closed to all pupils

29 January 2021              INSET Day – School closed to all pupils

12 March 2021                 INSET Day – School closed to all pupils


Get in Touch 

If pupils are still not able to access CHOC, please email the Year Teams using:








The Heads of Year conclude each week with a short assembly to update, share information and to keep-in-touch with pupils in their year groups.


Assemblies for the week will be posted on our new Vimeo Assemblies channel by the end of every Friday: https://vimeo.com/channels/1579277


Key Worker School

It has been scorching at KWS this week and we have had a Sports Day like no other!


On Thursday, 39 pupils and 10 very ‘eager’ staff took on the challenge of numerous sporting activities to win points for our Houses. They battled standing board jump, 80m spring, agility run and tug of war amongst others.


As always, our favourite… Mr A-P, took the day seriously and involved himself fully in all disciplines! I think one of the favourites may have been jumping …


Some evidently had more of a relaxed approach, snoozing on the crash mat and eating ice pops on a very sunny field.


All in all, a lovely day.


Thank you so much to the amazing PE team and Mr A-P, Mrs Brooker for arranging ❤️ You are all awesome.



The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:



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