Weekly Message 74 – 19 June 2020


19th June 2020

Weekly Message – Issue 74


Thank you to pupils, parents and carers for their feedback with the home learning provision. Teachers and Year 10 pupils have been using our learning platform, Cams Hill Online Classroom (CHOC) for just over two weeks and it is great to see that pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 are accessing their work in CHOC now too.


CHOC for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9

Pupils, parents and carers have been sent an email to advise that from Monday 22 June 2020, teachers will set all work for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 on CHOC.  Teachers will only be using ClassCharts to provide the link to CHOC where pupils will be able to access their work. The link to CHOC is  https://canvas.camshill.com/my/

If they haven’t done so already, pupils have been asked to log into CHOC and familiarise themselves with how work is being set and they have been provided with a series of guidance video messages that they can watch to help navigate their way through the platform.


Get in touch 

If pupils are still not able to access CHOC, please email the Year Teams using:







The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:



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Our access to Class Charts is now restored.