Weekly Message 68 – 01 May 2020


1st May 2020

Weekly Message – Issue 68


This week’s message concludes Week 2 of the Summer Term. The school remains closed as we continue to follow Government guidance on social distancing and keeping each other safe.

Since the beginning of the school closure, we have shared our intent to keep in touch with pupils as much as we possibly can. Every Friday each Head of Year sends out an ‘assembly’ for their pupils where they reflect on the week that has passed, share experiences and offer ideas and signposting for keeping busy and for seeking support. We encourage parents and carers to watch these assemblies too – we will include the links in the Weekly Message next week for quick access.

Mrs Harrison-Jones has written to parents and carers today helping them to keep in touch by sharing latest news, guidance and useful information. If you are not in receipt of this communication, or any other communication that you have been made aware of, please contact us on office@camshill.com

Why not get involved in the Cams Creative Art Competition


Or contribute to the Cams Creative Video Gallery

This morning our Art Department launched their first ever video gallery! The gallery shares Artwork produced by pupils whilst they have been at home.  The gallery has already been promoted on Twitter but here is the link for you to take a look at the amazing work completed by our extremely creative pupils.


Week by week, we would like to include as much work in the gallery as possible and therefore we encourage pupils to send their work to their Art teacher. It is always a pleasure to be able to celebrate pupils’ work, share it with others and encourage others to have a go!

Key Worker School

 Another week has flown by at KWS with different activities and competitions taking place.

This week the children finished off the ‘Cams Hill KWS Time Capsule’ which will be buried on the school grounds. Each person added a personal memory or possession to mark this unprecedented time.  Ranging from photos and pieces of writing to small items that signify this moment in time, we hope in years to come the contents of the capsule will provide a significant reminder of when we pulled together as a #CamsCommunity and looked after one another.

Staff and children have also been busy baking, creating and making … including cookies (which were delicious), putting together stick hearts and gaining an insight from Mrs Petre with her worry dolls. We each had a go at making a worry doll, though some turned out a little better than others…

Finally, we have all embarked on the journey of Couch to 5K with Miss Weston and Mr Barnard … they have had us running around the Sports Hall and field … we’ve mostly enjoyed it! I think the PE team may be slightly more enthusiastic than the rest of us but we’ll get there! #OneInAllIn


The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:



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