Weekly Message 39 – 19 July 2019


19th July 2019

Weekly Message – Issue 39

Credit Averages For This Week

Year 7: 18.2        Year 8: 3.5        Year 9: 2.3        Year 10: 1.7


This has a been a week of celebration! Kick started by a fantastic whole school sports day, we have celebrated success and achievement across all years in our Awards’ Evenings, Celebration Assemblies and winning House Reward Afternoon. ‘Invincible’ took the top spot and celebrated in style. Here’s to next year Warrior, Illustrious and Endeavour!

After another fun-packed and successful year, it is now time to close our doors to pupils for the summer break. An opportunity for us all to rest-up and re-charge our batteries, hopefully in the Summer sunshine. It is certainly looking promising for next week.

The school re-opens to pupils on Thursday 5 September 2019 (Week A) with Year 7 in school for an 0830 start. Year 7 pupils are asked to enter via the Main Reception where they will be met by their pupil buddies and their tutors. Pupils in Years 8 to 11 need to arrive in school during breaktime at 1040 – 1100 ready to be in their Tutor Bases at 1105 to start the day.

In the meantime, we wish all our pupils, staff, parents and carers an enjoyable summer break.


French and Spanish Market

Last week a little taste of France and Spain ‘hopped’ its way to Cams Hill School as our humble MFL classrooms were transformed into a fantastic “Marché Français” and “Mercado Español” complete with café, shop and food stall.

Pupils were given the opportunity to ‘buy’ typical French and Spanish products with their hard-earned Euros. Over 4 weeks, their French and Spanish teachers were allocating points in recognition of good work and effort. These points were turned into ‘Euros’ which could then be spent at the market.

Among the items they could buy using their euros were: crêpes, diabolo-menthe drinks, quiches, clafoutis, chorizo, castanets, comics, fans, revision books, dictionaries, etc.

It was a splendid event which pupils thoroughly enjoyed.

Please look at our twitter page @CamsLanguages to see few photos.

Bonnes vacances!!


Sports day … just wow!

This was the second year where we enjoyed a whole-school sports day.  Pupils and staff were amazing.  They took part in a variety of activities including Track and Field, Endball and Tug of War and participated with effort and enthusiasm.  Mr Purslow, Mr Rodriguez and Miss Hutchings were busy taking photos and video footage.  Mr Purslow put together an amazing video ready for the grand reveal which was seen on Wednesday.  The atmosphere was amazing.  A huge thank you to all staff and pupils for making such a great day.


Suggested Summer Reading

Please find the reading lists that are suggested to help support, and further your child’s learning throughout their English studies.  The lists contain texts that are linked towards the GCSEs, however there are also titles that are suggested for reading for pleasure.


From Year 9 into 10

In an endeavour to promote a love of learning over the summer year 9 pupils are coming home today with a pupil produced document of recommendations they can do, see, go to, listen to and read to broaden their knowledge over the summer.  The list is by no means homework or a directive just an opportunity for those who wish to, ahead of year 10.  The list is filled with interesting and enriching things and I do hope they enjoy some of the recommendations.  Best wishes Mrs Seve.




Avoid the crowds, buy early!

With the summer holidays nearly upon us, parents will be starting to think about purchasing their child’s school uniform.

At Skoolkit we appreciate our shops get very busy during the last two weeks in August and the beginning of September and your shopping experience during this time can be long, hot and not very pleasant.

So why not come in and see us nice and early, our shops are now fully staffed for Summer with no queues out of the door making your shopping experience a much more pleasant one.

If you’re worried about how much your child will grow over the holidays just base your sizing on how much they’ve grown over the previous 4-6 weeks. This will give you a good indication of size needed.

Of course, you can also order from the comfort of your own home on our dedicated website www.skoolkit.co.uk We even have the following FREE DELIVERY CODES for selected dates.

26th July – 28th July – JULYDEL19
14th August – 16th August – AUGDEL19

Please place your order by Friday August 16th to receive in time for the new school year in September. You can of course place orders after this date however, they may not arrive in time for children going back to school, so again purchase early to avoid disappointment.

We are here ready and waiting to serve you, leaving you to relax and enjoy the summer holidays!



Key Dates

Summer 2019
Monday 19 August - Friday 23 AugustYear 6: Activities Week
Thursday 22 AugustGCSE Exam Results Day

Puzzle Corner

Puzzle Corner will return in September!


The menu will be available in the first week of term.

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