Weekly Message 28 – 26 April 2019


26th April 2019

Weekly Message – Issue 28

Credit Averages For This Week

Year 7:   4.0    Year 8:   3.5    Year 9:  2.5      Year 10:  1.7    Year 11: 1.0


Welcome back to pupils, parents and carers following the Easter break.

Despite a holiday, there has still been lots of activity in the school building.  A quiet building enables the site team to carry out all the necessary general repairs and refurbishment.

Pupils have come back to a re-painted English corridor with a new carpet laid throughout and what a transformation!  A huge job which required emptying classrooms, all to be put back again in time for the start of term.  Our thanks go to the site team for all their hard work.

The school was also busy with Year 11 pupils attending revision sessions in a number of subjects.  Revision and intervention sessions continue in the run-up to all the exams.  We ask parents/carers of Year 11 pupils to refer to information shared by the Year 11 team and on the website to keep up-to-date with what is on offer and to encourage and support attendance.

Our skiers returned to school on Saturday 13 April after a fun packed week away – do read more about the trip below.

Here’s to another successful term!

Austria Ski Trip 2019

The journey started with a trip on the ferry from Dover to Calais and then a long journey through the night, grabbing some precious sleep ahead of arrival in Austria on Saturday afternoon.

On day one, pupils experienced the slopes, the first time for some.  The weather was glorious and the majority basked on the lower slopes in their base layers.  Slightly different weather conditions presented each day but did not stop the group getting out onto the mountain.  It was clear to see the pupils developing their ability on the slopes with beginners mastering the basics and the more experienced skiers extending their skills.

The evenings were fun-packed: skittles, swimming, watching an ice-hockey game, a games night delivered by Mr Gunner and a quiz night with Miss Adams.  All had a great time with many funny moments and good humoured competitive spirit.

The final day of skiing saw some sad faces hit the slopes and at the end of the day our pupils thanked the instructors, who were brilliant and showed real passion for the sport and a willingness to teach our pupils a new skill.  A frenzy of last minute packing and then the group headed for home.

Each and every person on the trip was an absolute joy to take away, all made progress and some developed new friendships, learnt how to be tidy and all showed resilience when things did not always go to plan.


House Rewards Afternoon

On Tuesday, Year11 Endeavour House won the rewards afternoon. Pupils were treated to Domino’s pizza and a huge inflatable Laser Quest.  They finished with a pic ‘n’ mix bag of sweets and got some well-deserved down time with their friends.  Now time to crack on with revision as the exams get closer.

A rewards afternoon will also take place in the Summer Term for the other year groups and the top spot is still up for grabs!  So we encourage all pupils to keep asking their tutor about forthcoming house competitions and involving themselves as much as possible to earn those all-important points.

Kindness at Cams

We spent the last Friday of last term sorting the amazing amount of food donated for our local foodbank.  The ambassadors promoted this in assemblies and took responsibility for sorting the food.  As always, the Cams Hill community was very generous.  A special mention must go to 7I who between them collected 101 items!!  This will be running again near the end of the summer term, with house points available.  A big thank you for all the much-needed donations 😊


Kindness Week – Working with Lush

Eleven of our amazing Kindness Ambassadors visited the Lush store in Portsmouth this week.  It wasn’t all bath bombs and face creams!  The store is working in partnership with us to collect the milk bottle tops and other plastics that were handed in to school.

The Kindness Ambassadors weighed the contributions from each house and we delivered five bin bags full of plastic to the store.  This House Competition is still running as Lush will take as many milk bottle tops/coffee jar lids and laundry detergent lids as we can give them to make some of their furniture and scarves for wrapping the recycled plastics, as well as the pots and bottles for their products!  Lids can be deposited in the boxes in reception.

The pupils learned about how they aim to ensure that everything in store is recyclable.  Whilst having fun, the pupils discussed how we could help to combat climate change and realised that every little bit helps.

Investigating the recycling process

Making our planet-saving pledges

Using the biodegradable materials & thinking about wildlife

Whilst the Kindness Ambassadors work hard to develop school wide ideas for kindness at Cams Hill, we are very aware that staff are busy working to ensure that every pupil has a positive experience in school, so we have set up ‘You’ve been mugged’!!! By the time this goes to press, two amazing members of staff will have received a mug of filled with kindness.  We hope that staff member will fill the mug with more kindness to pass on to make people smile and feel appreciated and spread the Kindness. 😊

We would love to hear from anyone who has any contacts or places that Cams Hill could work with to develop Kindness in the community, either in school or wider.  Please contact Mrs Jones via the Cams Hil Office with any details.


A big well done to the Year 8, 9 and 10 football teams who have all progressed through to the Fareham and Gosport schools football cup finals.  The finals are all being played next week and we wish them all the very best of luck.

Geography data collection Hill Head Beach

Even more so than in the classroom at Cams Hill, Geography comes alive when being studied outside in the real world.  The forces of nature (winds and waves, tides and currents, wearing down and building up) were sampled and gauged first-hand when our Year 10 geographers went to Hill Head beach this week to collect physical Geography data which they wrote up back at school.  Their dedication upon returning to school was matched by their enthusiasm at the beach, and all pupils are now fully equipped to deal with the demands of Paper 3, section B.

Coming up…..

E-safety Visit

On Monday 29 April 2019, Cams Hill have invited Alan MacKenzie, a nationally renowned speaker on e-safety to come into school to deliver talks to all pupils in Years 7-10 and raise awareness and promote up-to-date issues relating to online safety.

Cervical Cancer Vaccinations against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)


The second cervical cancer vaccinations will take place here at Cams Hill School in the Events Hall on:


Wednesday 1 May and Thursday 2 May 2019 beginning at 10.00.


All girls will receive a specific time from their Form Tutor nearer to the date of the vaccination.


Please try to ensure your daughter is wearing a short-sleeved blouse.


Should your daughter be particularly anxious about the vaccination, please contact Mrs Roberts on 01329 231641 as soon as possible to make suitable arrangements.


If you require further information regarding cervical cancer vaccinations, please visit the NHS Choices website at www.nhs.uk.

Year 7&8: UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

This is taking place on Tuesday 30 April and will involve around 60 pupils in Year 8 and 40 in Year 7.


The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:


Key Dates

June 2019
Monday 17Year 11: GCSE German Paper 4 (AM 1h/1h 15m)
Year 11: GCSE Certificate in Further Mathematics (calculator) (PM 2h)
Year 8 & 9: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition
Tuesday 18Year 11: GCSE Additional Mathematics (AM 2h)
Year 11: GCSE Hospitality and Catering Spec A - Unit 1 (on screen) (AM 1h 45m)
Year 7: Parents Evening
Wednesday 19Year 10 Mock Exam: Statistics Paper 1 10C
Year 10 Mock Exam: PE Paper 2 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Drama 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Catering 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Biology Paper 1 (am)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Biology Paper 1
Year 7: Gosport and Fareham Track and Field Athletics Championships Mountbatten Centre Portsmouth
Thursday 20Year 8: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition Entries DEADLINE
Year 10 Mock Exam: Maths Paper 1 (non-calculator)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Business Paper 1
Friday 21Year 10 Mock Exam: Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Geography Paper 1
TBC Year 9: Stem Event

Puzzle Corner

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