Weekly Message 258 – 14 March 2025
14th March 2025
Battlefields Trip
We remind pupils, parents and carers that the school is closed to pupils on Monday 17 March 2025 as it is an INSET Day.
Future Skills Day
On Friday 7 March, Year 10 pupils took part in Future Skills Day. The purpose of the day was to provide pupils with meaningful encounters with local employers and providers to enable them to develop essential employability skills.
Pupils took part in various workshops led by employers and education providers including ‘Interview and CV Skills using AI’ delivered by Zurich, ‘Your Digital Footprint & your Future Career’ delivered by Cams Hill School Alumni, Oscar, from Gravity Global and ‘Kickstart Your Career’ delivered by KBS Maritime. Workshops were also delivered by Thakeham, The British Army, ASK Apprenticeships, DWP, Mildren, Portsmouth International Port, BAE, SUN (Southern University Network), Havant and South Downs College and City of Portsmouth College.
Pupils were given the opportunity to complete a short mock-interview with one of our visitors from various companies including Microsoft, University of Portsmouth, Community First and South Western Railway. The day concluded with a Careers Fair where we were joined by even more providers such as Steve Willis Training, AFC Academy and some of our local colleges. Pupils were tasked with collecting Career Passport stamps for each interaction they had with the attendees.
The pupils engaged well in all the activities which was reflected in the wonderful feedback we received from the employers who attended:
‘Very positive engagement with the students. They are a credit to the school.’
‘Great day, the opportunity to engage with our future workforce was really insightful!’
‘The pupils were great, both in the workshop I hosted but also in the mock interviews’
‘I was overwhelmed by the incredible pupils at Cams Hill School. Every ‘interviewee’ I spoke with was a very enjoyable conversation’
We are enormously grateful to all the employers and education providers for giving our pupils their time.
Options Taster Day
Tuesday was our Options Taster Day where all Year 9 had the chance to sample some of the options they could choose from for their Key Stage 4 subjects. We were lucky enough to have workshops from the City of Portsmouth College, University of Portsmouth and SUN (Southern University Network) to discuss choices and futures. We are so proud of Year 9 and they way that they conducted themselves on the day and throughout the entire Options process.
Parents are now in receipt of the Options form and the deadline for completion is Monday 21 April 2025.
Battlefields Trip
Last weekend we took 50 Year 9 historians to the World War One Battlefields in Belgium and Northern France. We visited Tyne Cott and Langemark Cemeteries, explored memorials to the missing at the Menin Gate and Thiepval and walked through trenches at Sanctuary Woods and Newfoundland. It was a thought-provoking trip, and the pupils engaged with ideas surrounding remembrance and the legacy of war. The pupils were a great credit to Cams Hill School.
Chess Tournament
Last Friday the Chess Club competed in their very first tournament.
The result was 37-41 to Fareham Academy. We had lots of fun, and we are definitely looking forward to a rematch!
World Art Day Competition
Maths Countdown
Sports Results
Year 8 Netball lost to Brookfield 19-2
Year 9 Football lost to Brookfield 2-1
Year 10 Football lost to Brune Park 3-2
Year 7 Netball lost to Bridgemary 21-6
Menu w/c 17 March 2025
NEW menu Week 1 (Monday Inset Day)
Whole School Letters Published This Half Term
Below is a list of letters emailed to all parents/carers this half term together with the date and time they were sent. If you are unable to find any of the communications, please email office@camshill.com and we can send you a further copy.
Meeting concerning relocation of Henry Cort Community College – sent 1415 Thursday 13 March 2025 – (we were asked by Hampshire County Council to send this message to all parents/carers)
Road Safety – sent 1515 Monday 10/3/25
Positive Behaviour Points Averages per Pupil for This Week
Year 7 8.42 points
Year 8 6.38 points
Year 9 4.97 points
Year 10 3.67 points
Year 11 1.68 points
This week – 93.8%
Same week last year – 91.1%
MathsWatch and Educake
These are two online resources that we expect pupils to be accessing routinely with homework set by teachers and independently to support their progress in Maths, Science, and other subjects. We ask parents/carers to check in with their child to see whether they are accessing these resources routinely and to encourage the best use of them.
If there are issues with access, please bring this to the school’s attention as soon as possible so that we can help.
Average number of questions answered per pupil this week
Year 7 7.2 questions
Year 8 11.1 questions
Year 9 8.9 questions
Year 10 5.9 questions
Highest Number of questions answered by one pupil this week
Year 7 161 questions
Year 8 155 questions
Year 9 49 questions
Year 10 130 questions
Over 50% in Maths Homework
Year 7 67%
Year 8 49%
Year 9 50%
Year 10 20%
Over 75% in Maths Homework
Year 7 57%
Year 8 40%
Year 9 36%
Year 10 13%
100% in Maths Homework
Year 7 35%*
Year 8 19%
Year 9 10%
Year 10 7%
*For example, this figure means 35% of Year 7 got 100% in their homework tasks.
Figures in green indicate maintaining or an increase from last week.
Not all Maths homework is set on MathsWatch, which is likely to affect the averages.
Maths Homework Club is open to all Years on Wednesdays in ICT2 until 4pm.
Year 11 Maths Revision on Mondays – see schedule in Maths classrooms for details.
Maths Assessment dates for Spring Term
w/b 17 March – Year 10 sets 2 and 3 – two papers, one using a calculator
w/b 24 March – Year 9 – calculator paper
w/b 31 March – Year 8 – calculator paper
w/b 31 March – Year 7 – Non-calculator paper (tbc)
A revision list will be published a week before the assessment to support with homework preparation for the test.
Assessments will be marked by the class teacher and then feedback will be given in class along with a pupil feedback sheet to support future learning.
Date for the diary: Pi Day bake-off (Friday 14 March)
Calculators and other equipment for sale
Casio fx-83GT scientific calculators can be bought via Scopay and collected from the Finance Office. Prices of these and other items for sale are shown below:
Casio fx-83GT scientific calculator- £9.00
Pre-packed pencil case – £2.50
Pair of compasses – 29p
Protractor – 9p
100 blank flashcards – £1.00
A range of GCSE Maths revision materials for KS4 use – See Scopay for details
Educake – Science
Average number of questions answered per pupil this week
Year 7 29 questions
Year 8 33 questions
Year 9 122 questions
Year 10 92 questions
Year 11 39 questions
Highest number of questions answered by one pupil this week
Year 7 191 questions
Year 8 435 questions
Year 9 1137 questions
Year 10 458 questions
Year 11 327questions