Weekly Message 216 – 23 February 2024


23rd February 2024



Welcome back after the half-term break!


Despite a wet spell, there is a definite feeling that spring is on its way with the days getting a little longer. This week has been a busy one with vaccinations, a trip to Guildhall Portsmouth and a brilliant Year 10 Mock Interview Day. Year 11 are gearing up for their mock exams which start next week followed by in-class assessments and we wish all the pupils the very best as they continue with their preparations for the final exams later this year.


Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to join us for the Year 9 Parents’ Subject Evening this week and for the feedback provided through the completion of the questionnaire. The next Parents’ Subject evening will take place on 26 March 2023 with Year 11.


Lost Property


We have a large amount of lost property in reception, lots of black and blue coats, blazers and PE jumpers. We also have hats, scarves and gloves, water bottles and drama shoes! If your child has lost any belongings, please can they come to reception to collect. Current lost property will be kept until Friday 1 March and will then be donated and / or recycled.




The weather has been very changeable, and we often have lots of soaking wet pupils arriving to schools without coats!  Please check your child is taking their coat to school alongside wearing correct uniform.  We are proud of our uniform standards and strive to uphold them so please do ensure your child comes to school in the correct uniform.  Thank you for your continued support.


Year 11 Volleyball – Hampshire Volleyball Championships



Our Year 11 boys have qualified for the finals of the Hampshire Volleyball Championships.  They played Priestlands, Brighton Hill and Swanmore in a round robin on Wednesday and finished top of the table.  The finals will be held at Cams Hill School after Easter. A huge well done to the team and good luck with the finals.


Year 8 Student Leadership Network



Year 8 were invited to the Unloc leadership event at the Changemaker Studios in the Guildhall in Portsmouth. They listened to guest speakers who discussed the meaning of leadership, how they have used it in their careers and what it means to them. The pupils also spoke to university students and a retired policeman and took part in activities designed to highlight the importance of leadership. The pupils were phenomenal and asked the most engaging and thoughtful questions to the guest speakers.


Year 10 Mock Interview Day



We had 16 employers attend to support the event today, including Microsoft, South Western Railway, Red Funnel Ferries and Mildren Construction. Pupils were given a 10-minute interview with an employer where they were asked a variety of questions in an interview format.  Feedback from pupils has been enormously positive with an increase in their confidence and a new understanding of formal conversations and their importance.  The employers were incredibly impressed with the maturity and confidence of our pupils. Thank you to our visitors for giving their time to this and the pupils for their participation.


British Values Focus Week


This week we have been focussing on British values in tutor time.   Below are some of the things pupils have been doing….


  • Talking about bystanders and what you should do when faced with a moral dilemma.
  • Identifying British values in our lessons.
  • Completing a tutor group quiz to learn about British Values.


House Points Averages per Pupil for This Week


Year 7                     5.15 points

Year 8                     3.88 points

Year 9                     3.92 points

Year 10                  4.21 points

Year 11                   2.44 points

MathsWatch and Educake


There are two online resources that we expect pupils to be accessing routinely with homework set by teachers and independently to support their progress in Maths, Science and other subjects. Here are two links taking you to the Maths Watch and Educake Science data.




Please click here to view the MathsWatch figures




Click Here for the Educake figures




Menu Week 2


Next week we will be featuring:


  • Due to popular demand … Wednesday and Thursday Chef’s Pod will be Roast dinner Yorkshire Wrap (Pork)
  • Fridays milkshake will be Mint Aero
  • Look out for our new personal Pizzas & Chicken Wing dip pots, they will be available on the grab and go at selected lunch times


Food price changes


Unfortunately, due to production costs, we must increase some of our prices.  Most of these changes affect morning break as per the price list below. Please note the changes will not affect the Chef’s Pod, Main Meal or Wrap and Roll.


Click here for the morning break price list

Staying Safe Online

online safety letter 24 02 09


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