Weekly Message 212 – 19 January 2024


19th January 2024

House Points Averages per Pupil for This Week

Year 7                    3.89 points

Year 8                    3.89 points

Year 9                    4.97 points

Year 10                 4.11 points

Year 11                 2.81 points



Dates               Total Attendance

This week                       93.2%

Same week last year    93.3%


Thank you to all the pupils, parents and carers who were able to join us for the Year 10 Parents’ Subject Evening on Thursday and for the feedback provided on the questionnaire. We value this feedback which supports our continual development for the benefit of the school community.


The next Subject Parents’ Evening taking place will be for Year 9 parents/carers on Thursday 22 February 2024 but in the meantime we remind parents/carers that they can contact the school at any time for an answer to a query, to share information, etc and we refer you to the ‘contact’ tab on our website to help you to direct your enquiry to the most appropriate person.


Please be advised that we sent a letter to parents/carers this week to share information from the contractors about the next phase of the roadworks on the A27 and the impact this has for the pupils travelling to and from Fareham. We ask parents/carers to read this letter with their child/children to ensure they understand the route that they will need to take. Thank you for your support in this matter, it is much appreciated.


INSET Day – Friday 26 January 2024


A final reminder that the school is closed to pupils on Friday 26 January 2024 as it is an INSET Day.


Girls’ Hampshire Volleyball


The pupils below represented the school in the Year 9/10 Hampshire Volleyball Championships this week at Southampton Solent University. They played three teams in their first venture of tournament volleyball – St Anne’s Independent School, Purbrook Park and Horndean Technology College.


Sadly, the results were not in our favour, but the squad was passionate and enthusiastic – they were all fantastic!




Careers Activity This Week



It has been a busy week for career activities at Cams Hill School.  Three of the year groups have had assemblies highlighting the option of an apprenticeship as their next step after Year 11.  Year 8 had a visit from Portsmouth College and Year 9 and 11 from Fareham College. We hope this gives pupils a valuable insight into apprenticeships and the various pathways which can be taken post-16.  If anyone would like more information, please email careers@camshill.com.


For this week’s lunchtime drop-in, we hosted the Royal Navy which was well attended by pupils from every year group asking a variety of questions about life in the Royal Navy, recruitment, deployment, and the different roles they could do.  On Wednesday next week, we welcome Portsmouth College for our lunchtime drop-in so please encourage pupils to attend.


Author Visit


Year 9 pupils had the privilege of attending a captivating virtual presentation by the talented A.M Dassu, the author of the book ‘Boy, Everywhere’ which they are reading in their literacy lessons. The esteemed author described her inspiration behind her writing and shared insightful examples of her writing process. We thank A. M Dassu for giving her time to speak to our pupils.


School Production – Little Shop of Horrors



Cams Creative Art Competition


It is that time of year when the Annual Cams Creative Art Competition is announced. This year we are focusing on getting to know some of the creative hobbies of those within the school community.

Our theme this year is Endurance Art. We would like to see pupils’ dedicated artworks which they have spent a lot of time and enjoyment doing.


There are five categories which your work can be placed in: Fine Art, Photography, 3D/Relief, Textiles or Mixed Media. There is a £15 Amazon Voucher for the winning piece of artwork of each category.


The final deadline for submissions is Friday 9 February 2024.


Cams Creative Art Competition Poster 23-24.pdf challenge 2




Week 1 Menu 2023


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