Weekly Message 189 – 9 June 2023


9th June 2023

House Points Averages for This Week


Year 7                    5.11 points

Year 8                    6.29 points

Year 9                    5.15 points

Year 10                  4.02 points


Welcome back after the half-term break and here we are beginning the last half term of this academic year.


The second half of the Summer Term is always a busy one; with induction days for our new Year 7 intake, Sports Day, Year 5 Master Classes, a trip to Berlin, Rewards Day, Careers Week and Awards Evenings all taking place. It is also a half term where we evaluate our achievements against our school improvement plan and determine the school’s priorities for the new academic year.


Year 11 continue with their exams which conclude on 28 June 2023; it is an intense time, but the pupils continue to rise to the challenge as they tick off each exam on their timetable. Year 10 Exams and In-Class Assessments started this week and conclude on 30 June. These assessments give pupils the experience of sitting a formal exam and the marking and feedback will inform classroom teaching and revision ahead of the final exams next year. The full details and timetable have been sent to parents/carers this week.


We have been focussing our attention on pupils being ‘Ready’ to learn to maximise learning time in the classroom. Thank you to all our parents/carers for ensuring that their child arrives in school on time, wearing correct school uniform and fully equipped for the day ahead.


The calendar for next year is being finalised but we can advise parents/carers that 1 September 2023 and 4 September 2023 will be INSET Days with the school closed to pupils on both days. The dates of the other INSET Days will be available when the full calendar is published.



Pride Month – Poster Competition




This week kicks off Pride month. There was a competition for the whole school community to participate in – what does pride mean to you?


The pupils did not disappoint. We had huge number of entries reflecting the support that Pride has from our pupils. The winner and the runners-up have their posters displayed around the school site.


Congratulations to N Jones for winning the competition, to I Merryweather who was placed second and C Robbins and O Patterson who came joint third and a massive thank you to all who participated in the competition.



Attendance Award




Cams Hill School is proud to have been in the top 25% of schools nationally for attendance in the Spring Term.  Thank you to parents and carers for helping us ensure our children have the best possible chance of success.



Young Carers


At Cams Hill School we know that some of our pupils are Young Carers and may experience challenges with their education because of their caring role.


A Young Carer is a child under 18 who regularly helps to look after a family member or friend who is disabled, ill, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.


Children may engage in:


  • Practical tasks (cooking, housework and shopping)
  • Physical care (lifting or helping someone use the stairs)
  • Personal care (dressing, washing, helping with toilet needs)
  • Managing the family budget (collecting benefits and prescriptions)
  • Managing medication
  • Looking after younger siblings
  • Helping someone communicate


Cams Hill School can support Young Carers. If you, or a family member, needs support please contact either Miss G Allen or the Head of Year. All contact will be treated in the strictest confidence. We are here to help.


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