Weekly Message 178 – 3 March 2023


3rd March 2023

House Point Averages Per Pupil for This Week


Year 7              5.55 points

Year 8              6.00 points

Year 9              4.54 points

Year 10            3.98 points


Well done to Year 11 for completing a week of mock examinations – they have been fabulous.


The invigilators have been hugely complimentary, acknowledging the pupils’ commitment to following the instructions and arrangements that are in place for all formal exams. We also thank the rest of the school community for their support; making their way around the school quietly so as not to disturb pupils in an exam. Year 11 will have In-Class Assessments next week – we refer pupils, parents and carers to the timetable that has previously been published for specific details.



A couple of reminders …


Chewing gum: pupils are reminded that chewing gum is not permitted in school at any time. Pupils choosing to ignore this rule will be followed up using the Good Behaviour Policy.


Medicine:  Prescribed and non-prescribed medication must not be carried in school by pupils. This is an important safeguarding measure to keep our school community safe. Should your child need to have medication in school, please contact reception and ask to speak with the school’s Lead First Aider to make the necessary arrangements.





Next Friday, 10 March 2023 is an INSET Day and therefore the school will be closed to pupils except those who have a Peripatetic Music lesson scheduled to take place on this day.



Dance Live!




On Tuesday pupils across all year groups participated in Dance Live! 2023 at the Portsmouth Guildhall. They spent the day encouraging other schools and working together on not only the dance, but the costumes, hair and make-up, lighting and videography.


The pupils performed amazingly well and gave a performance that they should be proud of. They shared the story of Sophie Fairall, raising awareness of childhood cancer and the legacy Sophie left behind, as well as bringing the audience to tears. The pupils’ kindness, teamwork, sense of community and passion shone through, and they won the ‘Fellowship Award’, which Sophie’s mum told us was a massive win for her as they are all the characteristics that Sophie shared too. We are beyond proud of every pupil who took part in the event. Thank you to all involved and those who supported us on this journey.



Football Success


Congratulations to the Year 8 football team who won their second game of the season 4-0 against Crofton. Also, a huge well done to Year 7 boys who won their first ever school fixture 4-0 against Brune Park. Good luck in your upcoming fixtures.



Cross Country


On Tuesday 7 March we are taking 15 pupils to Basingstoke to represent Fareham and Gosport in the Hampshire cross country championships. We wish all competitors the very best of luck.



Valentine’s Card Design Winners



This week saw the voting for the Valentine’s Day Card Design Competition.


There were over 90 entries – all gaining House points for their houses. We asked staff to vote for their favourite designs and the top five will each receive a certificate and prize.


The winners are: A Cooper (Yr10), G Norris (Yr9), M Gore (Yr9), N Steward (Yr9) and M Boud (Yr9). The winning designs are shown with the certificate and prizes. Well done to the winners and all the entrants – there are some incredibly talented artists amongst them.



World Book Day


World Book Day this year with some low-key events as we want to ensure that reading is a routine part of our curriculum and not just a one-off event. We are very fortunate to have our wonderful library stocked with a wide range of texts where pupils can come in and enjoy the space. We have some exiting events coming up throughout the year, such as author visits, where we can promote reading as much as possible.


The library is fully open again next week after some displacement during the mock period.


Research tells us that reading for pleasure has the biggest impact on the life chances of our young people. Encouraging your child to read and sharing what you are reading will not only open great discussions within your household, but also have a positive impact on their future attainment.



History House Competition – Coronation Design



The Tower of London is looking for schools across the UK to take part in an exciting competition to mark the Coronation of King Charles III.


Pupils, in teams of up to five people, should create an illustration for the specially designed Coronation benches.  It is a chance to think about the values and symbols which they wish to define the new era.


We will select a school winner who will be entered into the national competition.  Fifteen winning schools will work with a professional artist to bring their designs to life, each creating an illustrated bench which will be displayed in pride of place at the Tower of London during the Coronation celebrations in May 2023.  The winning benches will then be transported to the winning schools, where they will remain forever as a legacy of the Coronation.


Winning schools will also be offered a VIP trip for one class to visit the Tower of London in Summer 2023.


All entries to be with the History Department by Wednesday 8 March 2023.



Maths House Competition and World Maths Day



In addition to the Pi Day competition, Wednesday 8 March is World Maths Day.  To celebrate this, pupils in Years 7-10 will have the opportunity to compete against other schools around the world.  We have linked this to a House competition which will run from now (to practise for World Maths Day!).  Pupils should check out ClassCharts for their login details and information on how to participate.



Religious Studies House Challenge



Science House Challenge

The organisers of British Science Week have set a poster challenge competition, aimed at pupils in Years 7-9.  The theme is ‘Connections’, eg the connection between human actions and climate change or how atoms connect to form chemical bonds which make up everything around us. What is water if not a connection between hydrogen and oxygen?


There are a few more ideas in the illustration below:





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