Weekly Message 175 – 3 February 2023


3rd February 2023

House Point Averages Per Pupil for This Week

Year 7              4.61 points

Year 8              5.00 points

Year 9              3.91 points

Year 10            6.18 points

Year 11            2.70 points


We remind parents/carers of the forthcoming Year 9 Parents’ Subject Evening taking place on 7 February 2023. Following on from the Tutor Evening earlier this year, the evening will provide parents/carers with the opportunity to meet with each of their child’s subject teachers. The evening is timed suitably as the year group prepare to make their Key Stage 4 Guided Choices ahead of starting in Year 10.

This will be an online event and parents/carers have already been sent information on how to use the booking system to make appointments.


Non-School Uniform Day – Friday 10 February 2023


We would like to offer pupils the opportunity to take part in a non-school uniform day on Friday 10 February 2023 (the last day of this half-term) to raise money towards the cost of drama equipment and specifically microphones for use in our school production of Grease and future productions and performances. We are always keen for pupils to have the best experience when participating in our concerts and productions, helping us to show off the amazing talent we have amongst our pupils. We would be incredibly grateful for your donation which will go a long way to enrich the experience of pupils here at Cams Hill.

We ask pupils who wish to wear non-uniform on the above day to donate £1 via the usual ScoPay “Charity Dress Down” button between now and Friday 10 February 2023. Any pupil who does not wish to participate should come to school in their usual school uniform. Please note that non-uniform day is optional and we are happy for pupils to wear school uniform if they feel it is not something in which they wish to participate.



Can You Help With Our Mock Interview Morning?


On Wednesday 22 February from 0900 to 1100 we will be holding a Year 10 pupil mock interview morning. We need as many employers as possible to support us with two hours of their time to hold short interviews with our pupils. The feedback from this event in the past has been amazing; the event really helps pupils become more confident in talking about themselves and expressing themselves clearly.

If you feel you can help by sparing two hours of your time, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact careers@camshill.com with the names of those willing to take part.



Who to Contact Should You Need to Raise a Matter With the School


If parents/carers wish to seek guidance, share information or resolve a query we ask that an email is sent to office@camshill.com for the attention of the relevant member of staff; this is likely to be your child’s subject teacher, tutor, Assistant Head of Year or Head of Year.

If you are not certain to whom the matter needs to be referred, the school’s administration team will direct your email to the relevant member of staff based on the subject matter. Should parents/carers feel a matter remains unresolved, it will be referred to the appropriate Line Manager in the first instance.



The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Presentation Evening



On 9 January 2023, we invited over 30 pupils to collect either their Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. We had several pupils attend who have since left the school for post-16 studies. These pupils found the Award particularly difficult owing to the restrictions in place due to Covid.


The current Year 10 pupils have been very successful with their Bronze Award, and many are now moving to the Silver this year. It was fabulous to see the culmination of the pupils’ hard work in finishing the Award and seeing their parents/carers celebrating this with them. It is such an achievement with so much learned along the way. For more information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award, please contact Mr Townsend (Head of Year 11).



House Points Update




Art Department – Valentine’s Day Competition




English Department – House Challenge



To enter the challenge, pupils should bring their printed or drawn cover to Miss Wood in the English Department by 1 March 2023.  Please ensure that all entries have the pupils name, tutor group and House written on the back. We very much look forward to seeing pupils what can produce!



Lost Property


The items listed below are currently stored in Reception. They will be kept until half term when we will either donate them to charity or dispose of them.  Please ask you child to check with Reception if they have lost anything in school.


14 x pairs of glasses

20 x sets of keys

10 x pairs of gloves

5 single gloves

3 x scarves

38 x water bottles

9 x blazers

4 x pencil cases

1 x earphones

4 x hats

1 x calculator

2 x PE kits

2 x food containers

1 x football boots and shin pads

1 x PE jumper

3 x bike helmets

2 x navy blue jumpers

1 x white hoodie

1 x grey hoodie

6 x zipped up hoodies

1 x navy jogging bottoms

1 x grey trainers

1 x purple coat

1 x multi coloured rain jacket

3 x green coats

4 x black raincoats

1 x black gilet

8 x black puffy coats

5 x lunch boxes

1 x bag of Lego



Safer Internet Day


As part of the build up to Safer Internet Day 2023, assemblies this week have been about ‘Open Discussions’ and the importance for our pupils of talking about what is bothering them whether that is online or not. Below is a link to a poster that has been shared with pupils, encouraging open discussions about their digital lives.



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