Weekly Message 168 – 2 December 2022


2nd December 2022

House Point Averages Per Pupil for This Week


Year 7                    8.97 points

Year 8                    12.27 points

Year 9                    11.46 points

Year 10                  4.12 points

Year 11                  3.95 points



We remind parents/carers that the Year 11 Parents’ Subject Evening is taking place online on Tuesday 6 December for parents/carers to discuss their child’s progress with each of their subject teachers. Please see letter dated 25 November 2022 for specific details and how to make the online bookings. We very much look forward to the evening.

For the past couple of weeks, we have been experiencing significantly high levels of staff and pupil absence owing to seasonal illness. This has meant that as well as deploying our cover supervisors, we have also invested in external supply teachers, and we have collapsed some groups into larger groups to ensure that they are still experiencing subject specialist teaching. It may be that pupils have referenced these changes at home.

We will review the situation day by day to determine whether other measures need to be introduced.

We thank pupils and parents/carers for their patience and seek to reassure you that, despite the adaptations, we continue to maintain our high standards and expectations.



Year 7 Choir at Carleen Nursing Home



The Year 7 Choir visited Carleen Nursing Home on Thursday 1 December to sing for the residents. They sang some Christmas carols and some more contemporary Christmas songs. The residents enjoyed the singing, clapping and singing along. The singers were kindly rewarded with some sweets and hot chocolate from the home and its residents. We look forward to another visit!



House Assemblies


We have had House assemblies this week led by all House leaders and House captains.  Updates have been shared regarding House totals and the current House challenges.  Pupils were reminded that to be eligible to attend the House celebration day in the summer term they will need to have taken part in a challenge in each subject throughout the academic year. Therefore, we hope to see pupils getting on board with the Drama challenge to design a new postcard for the department or the Geography challenge to create a natural hazard film such as ‘Sharknado’ for example.

We have invited pupils to complete a questionnaire which has been sent to their school email regarding the end of year celebration plans. We ask parents/carers to encourage their child to complete this as pupil voice and their opinions are important to us.


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