Weekly Message 157 – 9 September 2022


9th September 2022


The Cams Hill School community wishes to express its sadness at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and offer our deepest condolences to the Royal Family. A truly remarkable leader who we will remember for a lifetime of service.



This week we welcome back our pupils following the summer break and welcome to school our new Year 7 pupils, Class of 2027. Pupils have made a brilliant start to the year that lies ahead meeting their teachers, starting new subjects and generally getting back into the school routine.


Assemblies have focussed on being ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ which are values that underpin everything we do and make the school the special place that it is. We also reminded pupils of the importance of kindness. We thank our parent/carer community for supporting their children to be ready to learn and look forward to working in partnership with you as we teach the pupils to be the best that they can be.


The purpose of the Weekly Message is to celebrate achievements across the week, to offer key reminders and signposting. Please be reminded that should you wish to speak with someone in the school, the ‘contact us’ page on the school’s website is available to navigate you to the right person.


Arrival at School


To manage the safe arrival of pupils on site, we operate a staggered start across the years groups. We ask that pupils, supported by parents and carers, plan their departure time from home to ensure that they do not arrive at the gates ahead of their allotted time which causes congestion at the gates and in the car park. Please find the following details to help with your planning:


Gates (on A27 and entrance from car park) open at:


0825 for pupils in Year 7 and 8

0835 for pupils in Year 9 and 10

0840 for pupils in Year 11

The gates will close at 0950. If a pupil is late to school, they will need to walk through the main gate and sign in at Reception.



Loyalty Scheme for PE


This year we are introducing a loyalty scheme for pupils attending PE extra-curricular clubs.  Full details can be found on the link below which was shared with all pupils this week.




News from the Maths Department


Year 11 Maths revision starts on Monday 12 September 2022.  Pupils should speak with their Maths teachers to find out which room their session is to be held.


Maths Homework Club will run every Wednesday in ICT2, starting next week.  This is open to pupils in all years; whether they want help with their Maths homework or support in strengthening a particular skill, there are Maths teachers available to ask.


Look out for the weekly Countdown House Challenge outside MA2.  Details of the challenge and how to enter are also on the Maths noticeboard.



Cams Hill Library


Cams Hill Library is a welcoming reading and learning space for our pupils and they have many opportunities to use the library during tutor time, lessons and at break time/lunchtime. The library currently has nineteen computers and a colour copier/printer that are available for pupil use.


We stock approximately 12,000 fiction and non-fiction titles, graphic novels and periodicals and most can be borrowed for three weeks at a time. If a book is lost or damaged, we do request £5 contribution per book toward replacement costs which will be payable via Scopay.  We appreciate your assistance with this.  Thank you for your support and we look forward to welcoming your child to the library!


Snapchat Guide for Parents/Carers

Snapchat safety: What parents need to know

Parental Online Guidance and Safety Tips for Supporting Their Children


Online Safety 11-13 22 09 09

Online Safety 14+ 22 09 09


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