Weekly Message 156 – 21 July 2022


21st July 2022

Credit Averages for This Week

Year 7                  2.12

Year 8                  1.93

Year 9                  1.10

Year 10                1.42


Another great week concluded at Cams Hill School. We have continued to celebrate the pupils’ achievements with the final two Awards Evenings and Celebration Assemblies for each year group led by the year teams.


Today the school closes for the summer break and we end another academic year. It has been a year not without interruption and adjustment, but we have dug deep and as a community demonstrated such resilience with the school moving on a forward trajectory. Year 11 sat their exams and we have relished the opportunity to offer back to our pupils such a huge variety of experiences in the classroom and as part of our extra-curricular and enrichment programme.


We are incredibly grateful to our staff for routinely going above and beyond, to our parents/carers for their patience and support and to our fabulous pupils striving to be the best they can be. Moving into next year, we continue to focus on high quality teaching and learning, high level of pupil participation and working in a community where we are Ready, Respectful and Safe.


We remind parents and carers that school re-opens for Year 7 only on Friday 2 September 2022 and for all other pupils in Years 8 to 11, on Monday 5 September 2022. More information about the start of term and the new year ahead will be shared with parents/carers over the summer break.


In the meantime, we wish all our readers a restful and relaxing Summer.


Awards Evening


Over the course of the last two weeks the achievements of pupils in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been recognised and celebrated. Departments across our curriculum have nominated pupils to receive awards for outstanding achievement and progress and outstanding effort and commitment. In addition to this, there were many special awards given to pupils. Our thanks must also go to the string quartet, the show choir and the soul band who performed for the audience each evening and huge congratulations to all the award winners. We are very proud of you all.


Stay Safe Online This Summer


Below is a link to information from National Online Safety

stay safe online

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