Weekly Message 15 February 2019


15th February 2019

Weekly Message – Issue 21

Credit Averages For This Week:

Year 7:   4.9     Year 8:   4.0     Year 9:   3.6     Year 10:   2.75   Year 11:   x2.0


So today brings to a conclusion the first half of the Spring Term.  We hope that you have had the opportunity to read our weekly messages and get a flavour of the wealth of events and activities that have taken place over the last six weeks.


The focus we have placed on positive behaviour for learning in recent weeks has had real impact.  Following on from this, over the half-term, we ask pupils, parents and carers to remind themselves of the expectations with regards to our school uniform https://www.camshill.com/school-life/practical-details/uniform/ as this will be in focus with pupils when we return to school after the holiday.


For now, we wish all our pupils, parents/carers and colleagues a restful half-term holiday and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on 25 February 2019.


Year 11 Half-Term Holiday Revision/Support Sessions


  • GCSE Design & Technology Practical Workshop Session: Monday 18 February 2019 1000-1530
  • NCFE Music Technology Recording Workshop: Monday 18 February 2019 1000-1530
  • GCSE Music Composition Workshop: Tuesday 19 February 2019 1000-1530
  • GCSE Art, Photography & Graphics Workshop (Mrs Farmer’s and Mrs Oswald-Cutler’s Group): Wednesday 20 February 2019 0830-1430
  • GCSE Additional Physics Revision Session: Wednesday 20 February 0900-1200
  • GCSE MfL Revision Session for mock speaking exams: Thursday 21 February 2019 1000-1400


Year 10 Parents’ Evening


Thank you to all parents/carers who met with the subject teachers on Tuesday evening at the Year 10 Parents’ Evening.  A 93% attendance enabled conversations to take place with many of our parents/carers as we work towards the common goal of supporting pupils to achieve the best outcomes.


Rock Challenge


3rd!  In our second year of entering, and with the 1st and 2nd place going to performances by students in two local colleges, the Cams Hill School troupe absolutely did themselves proud.

Led by Miss Weston, she says:

“Rock challenge 2019 was an incredible experience, the pupils worked so hard leading up to the event, but it really paid off.  The performance was outstanding!  The pupils really raised their game after seeing the other competing schools during the rehearsals.  It was an amazing day and I am incredibly proud of everyone involved!”


What do the pupils say …


“I enjoyed the Rock Challenge day because we got to party and socialise with all the other schools.  I felt so shocked and happy when they announced our school had got placed third!

Scarlett Young Year 8


“Doing rock challenge this year was really enjoyable because there were more pupils and more people to get to know.  In addition, we used lots of props to expand our theme (social media manipulation), which meant there was more stage crew too.  In my opinion, our theme had a very strong message that was relatable to everyone taking part because social media is a big part of a teenager’s life.  It made me realise how important it is to be yourself.  When it was announced that Cams Hill came third, we were all ecstatic as we had all worked super hard since September!  I guess hard work does pay off!

Catrin Gibbard Year 8


Coming up …

 community picture


Kindness Week 25 February 2019 – 1 March 2019


Kindness Week will be starting with a secret mission by our Kindness Ambassadors, to spread joy to the rest of the school community … so beware as kindness might just creep up on you!!!!!


We have a number of projects coming up.  Here’s a flavour:


  • Please collect plastic milk bottle lids as we hope to be working with ‘Lush’ with a mass recycling venture (and gain valuable house points in the process).
  • A visit to a local care home to just talk with the residents, sharing stories and smiles.
  • Collecting for the local foodbank at the end of the Spring Term. The quantity of donations at Christmas was overwhelming and humbling.  We know that the foodbank struggle during the year to keep up with the amount of food that is needed and so to share kindness in the community we wish to make Cams Hill a key player in helping the foodbank to carry on its vital work.


Random Acts of Kindness day – 17 February 2019


Mrs McBride has shared with the whole school a kindness challenge for the half term holiday.  We are encouraging our pupils to think about others in spreading kindness.  One act of kindness often leads to another and that is the right sort of contagious!!


The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:




Key Dates

June 2019
Monday 17Year 11: GCSE German Paper 4 (AM 1h/1h 15m)
Year 11: GCSE Certificate in Further Mathematics (calculator) (PM 2h)
Year 8 & 9: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition
Tuesday 18Year 11: GCSE Additional Mathematics (AM 2h)
Year 11: GCSE Hospitality and Catering Spec A - Unit 1 (on screen) (AM 1h 45m)
Year 7: Parents Evening
Wednesday 19Year 10 Mock Exam: Statistics Paper 1 10C
Year 10 Mock Exam: PE Paper 2 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Drama 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Catering 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Biology Paper 1 (am)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Biology Paper 1
Year 7: Gosport and Fareham Track and Field Athletics Championships Mountbatten Centre Portsmouth
Thursday 20Year 8: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition Entries DEADLINE
Year 10 Mock Exam: Maths Paper 1 (non-calculator)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Business Paper 1
Friday 21Year 10 Mock Exam: Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Geography Paper 1
TBC Year 9: Stem Event



Puzzle Corner

No puzzle corner this week!


Menu for week beginning 25.02.19

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