Weekly Message 149 – 27 May 2022


27th May 2022

Credit Averages for This Week

Year 7                  7.53

Year 8                  11.35

Year 9                  6.40

Year 10                4.42


Today marks the end of the first half of the Summer Term – it has been a short one!

We acknowledge again our Year 11 pupils who have concluded their second week of GCSE exams and begin a well-deserved break over the half-term holiday.

Study leave begins for Year 11 on 6 June 2022 at which point they will be able to access their lessons online with their specialist subject teacher until the exams have concluded in that subject. We remind pupils to keep a check on their exam timetable so that they are in school on time for an exam and remind them that they are expected to wear full-school uniform on entry into the exam room – PE kits are not permitted.

We know that pupils will continue to prepare for their exams over the half-term break, but we encourage them to take some time to relax and recharge their batteries. Well done Year 11.

School re-opens to pupils in Year 7 – 10 on Monday 6 June 2022 and the term concludes at 1230 on 21 July 2022, as per the school calendar.



Now that warmer weather is upon us, we advise pupils, parents and carers that for the remainder of this term, jumpers are no longer to be worn in school. The blazer, however, remains compulsory and must be worn in school; the school will review this on a week-by-week basis next half term as the weather gets warmer.



Please see below attendance figures for our pupil cohort this past week.


This week (w/e 27 May)                            91.7%

Last week (w/e 20 May)                            91.7%

National Average year to date               89.8%



Mary Rose Trip


On Thursday and Friday this week Year 7 visited the Mary Rose Museum and explored some of the fantastic local history that is on our doorstep. Pupils toured the museum and took part in two workshops looking at historical scholarship of the sinking of the Mary Rose and investigating the role of the surgeon aboard the ship. Pupils conducted themselves excellently and thoroughly enjoyed the day.



Athletics Success


On Wednesday 25 May we took the Year 7 boys’ and girls’ track athletics teams to Lord Wandsworth College to represent Cams Hill School in the semi-finals of the Hampshire Schools’ Track Athletics Competition. Against very strong opposition, both teams were placed third which was an outstanding achievement. We will find out after half term if either team has qualified for the final. I can’t praise our pupils enough for the effort and dedication they have given to their athletics so far this year and wish them every success for next half term.


Wellbeing Workshop for Trainee Teachers


This week Mrs Farmer and Miss Hutchings hosted a wonderful well-being session for our trainee teachers and their curriculum mentors to take some well-deserved time to relax and reflect on their journey together. The after-school session involved learning to paint their name initial using typography and different colour tones. These designs were created on upcycled wood and some even drilled holes to create a hanging sign.  Everyone enjoyed the chance to participate in eating homemade muffins and delicious cheesecake.



Puzzle of the Week


We invite pupils, parents, and carers to enter.  To do so, please go to:  https://www.puzzleoftheweek.com/home and register.  Pupils need to use their school email address.  You will be sent a User Code to submit your answer each week.



Tik Tok and Other Social Media Checklists

With Half Term fast approaching and children having more time to spend on social media, Alan Mackenzie, e-safety advisor, has put together information to ensure that your child has the correct settings, privacy settings and the knowledge to report any online abuse.


The guides can be accessed using this link.


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