Weekly Message 145 – 29 April 2022


29th April 2022

Credit Averages for This Week

Year 7                  7.40

Year 8                  7.55

Year 9                  5.24

Year 10                4.17

Year 11                3.36


Welcome back following the two-week holiday! The Summer Term is always a busy one as Year 11 embark on their exams, the Year 6 into Year 7 transition programme gets underway as well as all the other activities that are mapped into the calendar for the term ahead.


Year 11 Exams – Class of 2022

Well done to the Year 11 pupils who sat their Speaking Exam this week in Spanish and French. As was to be expected, the pupils were nervous but they took it in their stride.  Their teachers praised pupils for their punctuality, preparedness and commitment to do the very best they could. GCSE Art, Photography and Graphics pupils have also spent five hours on their Non-Exam Assessment (Component 1) and we wish them every success as they conclude this work ahead of final assessment.


The exam period is a busy and high-pressured time for pupils. The whole school community is fully committed to supporting Year 11 pupils as they strive to achieve the outcomes they have worked hard for over the last five years. We remind parents and carers to contact the Year 11 Team in the event their child is feeling anxious, overwhelmed or in need of support. Colleagues can deploy a wealth of experience to guide and advise. Lines of communication are key.


Bank Holiday – Monday 2 May 2022 only

We remind parents/carers that school is closed on Monday 2 May 2022 owing to the Bank Holiday and reopens to pupils on Tuesday 3 May 2022.

Please be advised that since the additional Bank Holiday for the Platinum Jubilee falls in the forthcoming half-term holiday, all schools have been able to identify another day of ‘holiday’ elsewhere in the year. For Cams Hill School (and other Hampshire Schools) this has been calendared for Friday 22 July 2022, resulting in an early finish to our Summer Term.



Please see below attendance figures for our pupil cohort this past week.

This week (w/e 29 April)                          91.5%
Last week (w/e 8 April)                            91.5%
National Average year to date               89.7%


Year 10 Army Careers Day


The pupils were visited by members of the British army including the Infantry, Royal Engineers, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and the Royal Logistic Corps. They undertook tasks that tested their leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.  They attended an army careers brief that outlined the different roles the army has to offer.


Junior Maths Challenge

Well done to the 170+ pupils from Year 7 and Year 8 who took part in the Junior Maths Challenge on Wednesday. So many pupils in the Sports Hall tackling Maths challenges was an amazing sight! We eagerly anticipate the results and will keep you posted.


Puzzle of the Week

We invite pupils, parents, and carers to enter.  To do so, please go to:  https://www.puzzleoftheweek.com/home and register.  Pupils need to use their school email address.  You will be sent a User Code to submit your answer each week.

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