Weekly Message 143 – 1 April 2022


1st April 2022

Credit Averages for This Week

Year 7                  16.88

Year 8                  10.13

Year 9                   5.30

Year 10                 4.96

Year 11                 3.70


Thank you to parents and carers of our Year 11 pupils for coming into school to meet with their childen’s subject teachers on Tuesday as we conclude the Spring Term and move into the last term of this academic year and the exam period. We are also grateful for the feedback offered on the Parent Questionnaire.

Final preparation and revision are well underway and we encourage pupils to make effective use of all the resources that have been made available for independent study at home. The school understands that this is a demanding time for Year 11 pupils and would wish to remind them and their parents and carers of the support available through the Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should there be anything of concern or advice needed.


End of Spring Term – Friday 8 April 2022

We remind parents/carers that the school closes to pupils for the Easter holidays at 1515 on 8 April 2022 with pupils leaving following afternoon tutor time as usual.


Non-Uniform Day – Friday 8 April 2022

As per previous correspondence, the last day of term is a non-uniform day in support of our three charities linked to the local community. To wear non-uniform, a donation of £2 has already been invited via the ScoPay “Charity Dress Down” button (for the non-uniform day on 18 March and 8 April) – this can still be accessed to donate. Thank you in anticipation.

Please note that a non-uniform day is optional and we are happy for pupils to wear school uniform if they feel they do not wish to participate.



Please see below attendance figures for our pupil cohort this past week.

This week (w/e 1 April)                            91.5%
Last week (w/e 25 March)                       91.6%
National Average year to date               89.7%


Year 9 Trip to Marwell 

Another successful trip to Marwell with the H side of the year group. Pupils were practising their data collection skills to answer the question: Is Marwell Zoo a sustainable site? This is in preparation for the fieldwork they carry out in Year 10 should they opt to take the Geography GCSE.

We hope that all pupils over the last two Mondays have enjoyed this opportunity to be out and about developing their geographical skills and we thank all those involved in its organisation and for leading and supervising the pupils on the day.


Uniformed Service – Visit from Fareham Police

Our ‘Uniformed Services’ pupils were lucky enough to have members of Fareham Police come into school to talk to them about key aspects of their work. This included a demonstration of the equipment they use to restrain. We have been assured that Mr Blackman has now been released!

We are incredibly grateful to Fareham Police for spending this time with our pupils.


Jazz Café – An Evening of Jazz and Entertainment

The tables were dressed, the lights were set. On Thursday, our Events Hall was transformed into our Jazz Café. An evening of music and art. Our audience was certainly not disappointed with a programme of musicians and vocalists performing jazz pieces at the same time as artists creating a beautiful collage for the school.

It was a magical evening. The pupils and staff in the Music and Art Departments worked hard to pull together yet another fantastic evening with pupils demonstrating their talent both on and off the stage. A huge thank you to all involved.


Cross Country Congratulations


Huge congratulations to O Knipe who competed for Hampshire at the Inter Counties Cross Country Competition on Saturday.  It was an extremely well organised day with a course that was hard under foot yet fairly flat – a new experience for him as he’s been running mostly in the wet mud and with a fair few hills!

He finished 38th out of 84 competitors; we are incredibly proud of him and how far he has come with his running.

Congratulations from all at Cams Hill School.


Puzzle of the Week

Pupils, parents and carers can enter.  To do so, go to:  https://www.puzzleoftheweek.com/home and register.  Pupils need to use their school email address.  You will be sent a User Code to submit your answer each week.


What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Facebook

Below is a link to information from National Online Safety concerning Facebook.

Facebook Mar 22





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