Weekly Message 126 – 12 November 2021


12th November 2021

Credit Averages for This Week


Year 7                  11.51

Year 8                  9.47

Year 9                  5.95

Year 10                6.82

Year 11                 0.81


A reminder that Year 8 and Year 9 Parents’ Tutor Evening is taking place in school on Tuesday 16 November 2021. A letter has been sent to parents and carers with the specific details and the booking arrangements.


Another well done to Year 11 pupils who have concluded the second week of their Mock Exams – the team of invigilators supervising and supporting pupils in the exam rooms have been full of praise about their conduct and attitude; learning about the expectations and the formality of sitting an external exam is part of the learning process and the pupils have listened and responded to instructions beautifully.


Teachers are now busy discussing, marking and moderating the exam papers with outcomes informing the teaching and learning to come. There is a little time to go but we look forward to meeting with parents/carers at the Year 11 Parents’ Subject Evening taking place on Tuesday 7 December 2021.


Anti-Bullying Week 15 November – 19 November #onekindword

The pupils will be spending next week getting involved in discussions and activities surrounding #onekindword.


The week will start off with ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday 15 November and a pupil-made video full of kindness, highlighting the impact that just one kind word can have. This year we are asking pupils to pledge #onekindword to themselves of acceptance and #onekindword to another pupil which will be anonymously delivered in our final celebration of the week.


Tutors will be exploring with pupils how we can raise awareness of bullying and work collaboratively to ensure that every pupil feels listened to and feels safe and supported at school. Throughout the week, alongside other raising awareness activities, there will be specially made cupcakes available to purchase in the canteen.


Remembrance Day – 11 November 2021

This week marks our Remembrance commemorations and on Thursday pupils, staff and members of the Cams Hill community joined in a 2-minute silence to remember the lives lost during conflict.


Miss Burnett led assemblies this week around the theme of remembrance, using Nellie Spindler and Manta Singh as examples of those who contributed to the Great War. Pupils have also had the opportunity in tutor time to discuss diverse ways and mediums in which to remember, through poetry, songs, artwork, and memorials.


Football Success

Congratulations to the Year 11 boys in the football team. They made it through to the quarter finals of the Hampshire Cup beating a good Bitterne Park team.


Geography Trip to Hill Head


On Thursday and Friday last week Mr Atkins ably led a total of 120 Year 10 pupils on a visit to the beach at Hill Head and Meon Shore. Pupils surveyed the sea defences and measured the height of beach material so that they could judge the effectiveness of the groynes.


The beautifully bright, calm, clear days were a gift from nature, and the trip was a fantastic opportunity to experience real-world Geography and collect fieldwork data to use in Paper 3 of the GCSE exam.


E-Safety information received from the e-safety advisor Alan Mackenzie







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