Guided Choices


21st February 2018


The Cams Hill School guided choices booklet is now available online in .pdf form (110mb). Click here to open it in a new tab.


Below is our Headteachers message regarding guided choices:


This is an exciting time for our Year 9 pupils; leaving behind Key Stage 3, they will become senior pupils within the school, wear a slightly different uniform and embark on their GCSE courses. I am delighted that so many of you attended the recent Colleges Evening and I am sure that pupils will now be starting to think about future career paths.

Key Stage 4 is a very important time for pupils. Your son/daughter is required to take GCSE courses in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies (RS), thus fulfilling the statutory requirement at Key Stage 4. A large number of pupils will choose a Modern Foreign Language and study a Humanities subject (History or Geography) to GCSE level, fulfilling the EBACC requirements. In addition, the core curriculum for all pupils includes Physical Education (PE).

Pupils moving into Key Stage 4 will have a total of three ‘guided’ choices. All pupils will be expected to choose either a language, History or Geography. They will then have two further ‘guided’ choices. This could be a second Humanities subject or one from the range of choices identified in this booklet.

We encourage you and your son/daughter to note the content of this handbook and to look at all the courses being offered. Past experience has shown that for the vast majority of pupils, preferences are able to be positively considered and a best ‘fit’ is achievable fairly quickly; in some cases a discussion will need to take place with the pupils and parents / carers will be kept informed of any details as appropriate.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs G Harrison-Jones



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