Summer School 2021

In March 2021, schools were notified by the Department for Education of available funding to run a summer school offering a blend of academic and enrichment activities for pupils who would most benefit. Cams Hill School focused this provision on pupils making the transition into Year 7.This was an additional provision to support and enable a successful transition to secondary school used to bridge the gap created by the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Whilst this opportunity was open to all prospective Year 7 pupils, we targeted all disadvantaged and/or vulnerable pupils identified by the l junior and primary schools. We also invited 30 of our current pupils including several vulnerable pupils to summer school for the 2-week period working towards their Sports Leader Award.

The Cams Hill summer school ran over a 2-week period with over 180 children in attendance. Pupils took part in a mix of academic and enrichment activities with a particular focus on literacy as this was identified as an area that pupils would most benefit from.. Pupils were able to experience activities in a wide range of subjects from English, Maths and Science to Art, Drama and IT which included input from subject specialists. Every afternoon pupils took part in a sports tournament led by the PE Department and the pupil Sports Leaders. The Enrichment Activities focused pupils on team building, resilience, wellbeing and inclusivity.

As part of the offering, we organised a mobile farm to come to the school for the day and ran a trip to the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium.

Please find detailed below a breakdown of costs and expenditure against the funding provided by the Department for Education (DfE)

DfE Funding £70,123.58
Staff Costs £28,921.67
Technology Expenditure £17,166.07
Sport Expenditure £6,318.53
Activity Expenditure £2,581.80
Cleaning Products £781.71
Large Equipment Expenditure £6,865.43
Miscellaneous £7,488.37


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