Year 11


Year 11

TAGs: Letter from the Headteacher

TAGs – Letter from the Headteacher

ICAs Timetable Overview

ICA Timetable Overview

Complete ICA Timetable

ICA Full Timetable

The TAGs process is in place to ensure that all pupils receive a fair grade reflective of their achievement overall within each subject. It is vital to ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged by the disruption caused by the global pandemic. Finally, and most importantly, the process must ensure that we are supporting all pupils to move on to the next step in their education journey as smoothly as possible; to start their life beyond Cams Hill School with confidence and a high quality secondary school experience behind them.

What is a TAG?

As you are aware, the 2021 Summer Exams Series has been cancelled.  These exams have been replaced by TAGs with all schools using the best available evidence that they have gathered/will gather for each and every pupil to show their ability.  To determine the TAG, your child’s teachers, the departments they work in and the Senior Leadership Team will look at a range of evidence (historic and current) such as mock exams, in class assessments and controlled assessments (in relevant subjects).

In-Class Assessments (ICAs)

To contribute to the evidence bank, there will also be a series of In-Class Assessments (ICAs) scheduled in all subjects between Wednesday 21 April and Wednesday 19 May 2021.  All assessments carried out will be focussed on the curriculum content that your child has covered and pupils will be informed of topics to be tested prior to the ICAs to support their revision.  Dates of all ICAs will be shared with you via the school website in due course.  We hope to finalise these prior to the Easter holiday.  Pupils eligible for Access Arrangements will be fully supported for ICAs as required.

Subjects with a Controlled Assessment Element

In subjects with a large controlled assessment element, this assessment will be used to form all or part of your child’s grade.  Again, any time missed will not count against pupils and in the time remaining in school, their teacher will support all pupils in class to complete areas they need to complete.

Subject Information

Art & Photography

Art and Photography





English Language and English Literature

Literature & Language







Media Studies

Media Studies


GCSE Music


Parental Revision Workshop

Year 11 General Revision Presentation

Year 11 General Revision Handout

Maths URA Star Topics Target 8 9

Maths Top Topics – Higher

Maths Top Topics – Foundation

Maths Revision Workshop

Maths Revision Websites and Resources

Revision Tips

Revision Tips – Study Space

Revision Tips – Time to Work

Revision Tips – Tips from Students

Revision Tips – To Do List

Revision Tips – Bed Time

Revision Tips – Motivation

Revision Tips – Plan Ahead

Revision Tips – Priorities


Well Being – Dealing with Exam Stress

Well Being – Eating for Exam Success

Well Being – Exercising for Exam Success

Well Being – Mental Energy for Exam Success

Well Being – Sleeping for Exam Success



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