Covid Routines at CHS – June 2021


CHS Covid Routines Updated June 2021

Covid Information for Parents and Carers from

Please click here for the most recent Government information for parents and carers about Covid 19.

Home Learning

If pupils are required to self-isolate, work will be delivered via our online learning platform, CHOC. The link for pupil access can be found here. Pupils will access their lessons via Zoom.

Update to Face Masks in School

Currently, face masks are now mandatory in corridors for lesson change over and all communal spaces. Currently, pupils have the choice to wear a face mask in lesson if they wish to do so.

Covid kit contents

We will continue to require pupils to sanitise their own hands on the way into classrooms. Please make sure they have an adequate supply of hand sanitiser along with, as previously mentioned, a mask and a spare, tissues, their named water bottle, their reading book and a small sandwich type bag in which to store their mask while they are eating.


We have enabled all pupils to wear their PE fleece at all times in school if they are cold. Rooms are cooler in order to be well ventilated. We appreciate that the PE fleece is not a cheap item to purchase and will require regular washing so would therefore like to increase the flexibility further within our uniform policy to introduce a unisex, navy, plain, round neck sweatshirt that can be worn by pupils with their uniform. These can be sourced online or in supermarkets and are relatively inexpensive. No logos, stripes, ’hoodies’ or other jumpers are allowed to be worn. Pupils will need also need a coat. This can be worn not only to and from school, at break and lunch times outside but also in the building between lessons. Coats will be removed in classrooms during learning time. Please make sure your child has a coat as we will be outside even in light drizzle as previously stated.

After school activities – all year groups, all subjects.

Currently, after school clubs are taking place within year group bubbles. However, we are not able to offer any parental spectating for fixtures.

Staggered start times

CHS is running a staggered start for pupils.


School cleaning routines

It is vital to continue to focus on the ‘hands, face, space’ mantra and ensure good cleanliness routines at all times. The school has increased internal cleaning routines and also has an expectation that teachers and other staff will clean specific high touch point areas in addition to the cleaning team. Hand sanitiser is readily available throughout the school although we are requiring pupils to, in addition, carry their own for regular use as part of their ‘covid kit’.

Face coverings

We are actively encouraging staff to wear them in communal areas but this is not a requirement. Most pupils will decide not to wear them in classrooms although this is also optional. We strongly advise all pupils to have a face covering as part of the ‘covid kit’ that they come to school with each and every day. We have given all teaching staff a visor that they may choose to wear which we hope will still enable full communication. Our pupils may decide that they want to wear their face covering during break and lunch times but this is not currently a requirement. We actively encourage our families to look at guidance around appropriate use and disposal of face coverings and ensure that pupils follow these rules accordingly. Face coverings need to be appropriate for use in a school environment. They can be patterned or plain but ones with images displayed are discouraged.

Year group bubbles

Pupils will spend lessons, break and lunch time in their year group ‘bubbles’ as per the schedule. During the school day they will not be able to socialise with other ‘bubbles’. In line with the latest guidance, we are considering an entire year group to be a ‘bubble’.

Temperature checks

We are not checking temperatures of staff or pupils on entering the school site. Government guidance does not suggest that we are required to do so and there is little evidence of the reliability in such a measure at this stage.

Social distancing

We are working towards encouraging staff to remain 2m from each other and 1m+ from pupils. In line with guidance, it is impossible to enable a full return to school for all our pupils and maintain social distancing amongst them within their ‘bubbles’ as they will, for example, be sitting next to another individual at a desk in a classroom. Staff will have seating plans in place so we are able to track where pupils sit and who they sit next to. Staff will mainly teach from the front in classroom-based lessons.

Support for children who are anxious

Members of our NEXUS Academy team are also available to provide support. Please do email your child’s tutor if you would like them to be supported further or to share any specific concerns that you may have.

Cams Hill School Covid Risk Assessment

Please see our Covid Risk Assessment for more details about how Cams Hill School are structuring the return to school and implementing the Government recommendations.

Our access to Class Charts is now restored.