Cams Hill School Closure


Cams Hill School is closed as of 23 March in line with Government guidance.

Communication with school – General

The main is your primary point of communication for general questions and requests for information. This will be monitored during the period of closure but not during the Easter/Spring Break. Response times may vary depending on accessibility of staff.

Communication with the school – Headteacher

Should you have a specific question or information that you would like to share with the Headteacher, Mrs Harrsion-Jones, the email address remains the same

Communication with school – non serious concern about your child

For the duration of the closure we have set up an email address for each year group which will be monitored by the Year Teams. For any non-urgent concerns that parents/carers would like the year teams to address please use the year group specific email address.

Communication with school –safeguarding concerns

Whilst our pupils are being educated at home the duty of safeguarding rests, as during holiday periods when the school is naturally closed, with the family ‘unit.’

Further information regarding specific safeguarding can be found on our web page.


Home learning for pupils

During the enforced closure, we have asked that teaching staff provide work for pupils in all year groups. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to enable their child / children complete set work. Work will be set using either classcharts or Microsoft teams. Work set will vary depending on year group of pupils as detailed below.

Year 11

Work will mainly be set using classcharts. Other platforms may be used; this will vary depending on subject and teacher. It is the responsibility of pupils to log in to check classcharts multiple times daily and complete all work set.

Please also refer to the Year 11 Revision page for additional resources and links.

Year 10

Teachers have been asked to set a number of tasks and activities for their year 10 teaching groups that relate specifically to the stage of the GCSE course that they are up to. This will be done using classcharts. It is the responsibility of the pupil and/or parents to log in to classcharts to access work set and enable completion.

Years 7,8,9 (Key Stage 3)

Teachers have been asked to set project based tasks and activities for their Key Stage 3 classes. These will be available via classcharts. It is the responsibility of the pupil and/or parents to log in to classcharts to access work set and enable completion. Parents / carers are also welcome to use this time to ‘home school’ and may have projects of their own that they would like pupils to undertake around for example, climate, environment, nature and to ensure that children have regular physical activity opportunities in line with guidance around infection control as directed by Public Health England.

Other websites and online learning platforms – all year groups

The following are fully accessible to pupils and contain a wealth of information that you may want your child to ‘study during the period of school closure: Kerboodle, Seneca Learning, Edmodo (History), Mathswatch and Doddle.

Our access to Class Charts is now restored.