Cams Hill Residents


Welcome to our Cams Hill School Residents Information page

This part of the website has been set up to help residents who live in the immediate Shearwater area stay informed about events happening at the school.

A27 Cams Hill Improvement Scheme

We have written to parents/carers to inform them, from Monday, 29 January 2024, after the pupils have entered the school in the morning, the main footpath on the A27 Westbound side is to be closed and the small section of the Eastbound footpath on the A27 will also be closed/fenced off. Pupils will be directed to walk down St Catherines and the Ridgeway.
These closures will stay in place for a minimum of 12 weeks. This will mean Pupils will only be able to enter and leave the school using the Main Entrance and to alleviate congestion at the end of the day we will be slightly revising the finish times, during this period as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Year 7 & 8 – 2.55pm
Years 9 & 10 – 3.05pm
Year 11 – 3.15pm

Year 7 & 8 – 2.15pm
Years 9 & 10 – 2.20pm
Year 11 – 2.25pm

These revised staggered end times will start from Monday, 29 January 2024. Morning stagger times will remain the same.
In addition to this, a temporary exit will be in place next to the entrance gate to the school’s Car Park. This will help manage the flow of pupils at the end of the day and avoid congestion at the traffic lights at the A27 cross roads. This exit will be for pupils walking in the direction of Portchester only. We have request that parents/carers, during this period, refrain from driving into Shearwater Avenue this will reduce the amount of traffic around the school, and encourage pupils to walk. We are therefore writing to apologies for any inconvenience caused while these works are taking place.

3G Pitch

If residents have any issues with parking in Shearwater Avenue due to the use of the 3G Football Pitch, please call Mr Rich Berry, Site Manager on 01329 231641 during school opening hours or 07916266417 for out of hours when the facilities are in use.

Cams Hill School Trips and Events at the School:

March 2024

11th March: Annual Residents Meeting – 5pm

19th March: Yr 9 Guided Choices Evening (16:30) – Some increased traffic from parents attending

21st March: Jazz Café (7pm) – Some increased traffic from parents attending

29th March: Yr 9 – 11 Ski Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

April 2024

May 2024

16th May: Yr 7, 8, 9 Life of Pi Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

June 2024

6th June: Yr 7 Mary Rose Museum Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

7th June: Yr 7 Mary Rose Museum Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

14th June: Yr 9 Alton Towers Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

20th June: 15:30 Yr 7 Parents’ Evening – Some increased traffic from parents attending

26th June: Yr 8 Witterings Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

27th June: Yr 8 Witterings Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

July 2024

9th July: Yr 7 New Forest Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

19th July: Summer Concert – Some increased traffic from those attending and noise

21st July: Yr 8 & 9 Ardeche Trip – Use of coaches to transport pupils

Large Events taking place in the school:

Markets (Previously held at the Dovecote) traders will be in from 7am, Market runs 10am – 3pm, school will be closed 5pm:
Saturday 13th April 2024
Saturday 11th May 2024
Saturday 8th June 2024
Saturday 13th July 2024
Saturday 10th August 2024
Saturday 7th September 2024
Saturday 7th September 2024
Saturday 23rd November 2024 (Christmas Market)

Sunday 5th May 2024: Indoor table top/car boot sale in Sports Hall – 9am – 4pm, Public coming 10am – 2pm
Sunday 30th June 2024: Utilita Bowl Disability Cricket Festival – 12 noon – 4pm
Sunday 4th August 2024: Summer time Festival – 8am – 5pm, Public coming 11am – 3pm