Introducing CHOC


CHOC (Cams Hill Online Classroom)

As per guidance sent out on May 22 we are beginning to evolve our home learning activities this week. This period of transition will involve staff training, issuing of guidance for pupils and staff and lots of trial and error! Please be patient. We have been working hard in the background to ensure that our home learning offer will be meaningful for all.


Year 10 pupils will expect guidance imminently on a 1to1 tutor re-connection’ video call that will now happen by the end of this week following the Government announcement that year 10 provision needs to be in place by 15 June 2020. Recorded video content will begin to appear and year 10 pupils can follow their school timetable each day for routine and clarity. It is week A this week! Some staff may work towards live lessons in the future. CHOC Cams Hill Online Classroom is being trialled by staff today and will be available more widely as the week goes on.


Year 7,8,9 pupils should find they are now able to follow their school timetable (week A this week) and have 30 minute ‘chunks’ of learning from each individual lesson. Recorded video content may also start to appear later on in the week!

Our access to Class Charts is now restored.