Weekly Message 50 – 22 November 2019


22nd November 2019

Weekly Message – Issue 50


Credit Averages for this week

(Thursday 14 November 2019 to Wednesday 20 November 2019)

Year 7              8.30
Year 8              9.03
Year 9             7.80
Year 10            3.49
Year 11            1.93

A big well done to all Year 11 pupils for their effort with the Mock Examinations. Some pupils have an Art Mock Exam and a Spanish Speaking Test next week but in the main they are now complete. Teachers are busy marking and moderating ready to feedback to pupils in the coming weeks. Don’t forget it is the Year 11 Parents’ Subject Evening 10 December 2019.

You may recall that part of the school was flooded in the Summer Term and two Science classrooms were taken out of action. We have had high-spec temporary Science classrooms on the hard-courts to accommodate the displaced lessons. We are pleased to inform you that the refurbishment of the Science classrooms completed this week and pupils and staff are back in them and enjoying their ‘newness’.

The temporary classrooms will be removed shortly reducing the amount of space available for pupils on the hard courts. Pupils have access to the blue-surfaced courts at the back of the school to play football and we remind pupils that they must wear trainers on these courts.

Parents and carers were sent a letter ahead of the new school year drawing attention to the amendments made to our Good Behaviour Policy. We value the importance of a restorative conversation between a teacher and pupil where a pupil has been parked in another classroom for unproductive behaviour. We remind parents/carers that this conversation consists of a 20-minute same day imposition which happens at at either break time, lunch time or after school, ahead of the next lesson.

We thank parents/carers for their continued support to ensure every pupil has a positive learning experience in every lesson.


Please read on for other school news and upcoming events.


The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:



Rewards Hub

Rewards HubWe are proud to announce the launch of our new Cams Hill Rewards Hub which offers pupils a variety of ‘fun’ activities to engage in during break and lunchtime.

This area will be awarded to the year group (8-11) that have accumulated the highest credit total (minus negative points) over the previous week. We were thrilled to give the space to Year 8, our first winners, and they seemed pretty happy with the outcome!



History Showcase

Our second History Show Case was amazing! It was lovely to see so many parents, carers, pupils and staff join us for the evening. The evening comprised of singing with the Show Choir and Year 7 Singers and some Glen Miller performed by our Concert Band. Year 7 pupils read poems with one written by a pupil themselves! Work displayed showed the effort put in by all years in a wide range of subject areas. Even the staff got involved with a propaganda poster!


Year 8 Parents’ Tutor Evening

If you are a parent/carer of a Year 8 pupil, we hope that you will be able to join us on Tuesday 26 November 2019 for the Year 8 Parents’ Tutor Evening. Parents/Carers will be able to review initial data and discuss with their child’s tutor how their child has settled into Year 8.

Our Head and Assistant Head of Year 8 are also available for bookable appointments as well as our SENCo for parents/carers wishing to discuss their child’s special educational needs. Please refer to the letter that has already been sent to parents/carers with the specific details.

Link to letter

Link to Booking System Guide


Movie Night – Popcorn Provided!


Seats are still available for Years 10 and 11 pupils taking History at our Movie Night taking place on Wednesday 27 November 2019 when we will be showing the film ‘Valkyrie’.

The link to the letter sent to parents/carers can be found below along with the reply slip which needs to be returned to school by 25 November 2019.



Key Dates

November 2019
Monday 25Year 10: Mathematics in-class assessments
Tuesday 26Year 8: Parents' Tutor Evening (3pm)
Y7,8,9: Schools' Cross Country Championships
Year 10: Mathematics in-class assessments
Wednesday 27Year 10: Performance of 'A Christmas Carol'
Year 10 & 11: History Movie Night
Parent / Headteacher Clinic
Year 10: Mathematics in-class assessments
Thursday 28Year 10: London / Tate Modern Art / Photography Trip
Year 10: Mathematics in-class assessments
Friday 29Year 10: Mathematics in-class assessments




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