Weekly Message 42 – 20 September 2019


20th September 2019

Weekly Message – Issue 42


Credit Averages for this week:

Year 7                     19.92
Year 8                     10.74
Year 9                     7.85
Year 10                   7.89
Year 11                   3.92


Open Evening

Yesterday evening we opened our doors to welcome prospective parents/carers and pupils for our annual Open Evening.

Guided by pupils, our visitors were able to visit all curriculum subject areas to participate in a range of fun-filled and thought-provoking activities, enjoy music performed by pupil ensembles as well as a taster menu of food prepared by our in-house catering team.

Listening to a presentation by the Headteacher, having discussion with members of the Governing body and with staff who offer care, guidance and support we trust our evening will enable parents/carers to make an informed decision about their choice of school for their child moving to Year 7.

Our thanks goes especially to the pupils who help make the evening the very special occasion that it is; they are exceptional ambassadors for the school and we hope that all who visited will have seen that Cams Hill School is a very special place to work and learn.


New Cams Hill Twitter Account

We want to keep parents/carers as up to date as possible with the daily goings-on at Cams Hill School, so we have set up a centralised Twitter account. This means that you won’t miss out on anything being tweeted from our many departments during the school week!

Just follow the link – https://twitter.com/cams_hill


Early finish Tuesdays and Professional Learning

Parents and carers will be aware that we have adjusted our Tuesday timings to accommodate 5 lessons and an early finish for pupils. The early finish enables staff to participate in professional learning activities which include the focus on developing classroom practice reflecting the school’s improvement priorities.

We ask that pupils keep a close eye on the timings on this day to ensure they are on time for lessons.


A Trip to The Mayflower

The English Department took 52 pupils to The Mayflower Theatre on Tuesday evening to watch a performance of An Inspector Calls.

Pupils were amazed by the symbolic setting of the Birling’s house and loved the way characters, dressed as the working class, were used to represent the socialist views encroaching on the Birlings and their Capitalistic lives.

The pupils were very appreciative to have experienced a live performance as extra revision for their GCSE and the staff who accompanied the pupils were extremely proud of how the pupils conducted themselves throughout the evening.


PE Fixtures and Extra-Curricular Clubs

It has been amazing start to the term in PE. All fixtures are now in full flow and extra-curricular clubs are very well attended. If your child is keen to participate in an after-school club, please send them to the PE Department for more information and thank you to parents/carers for all your support.



The Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections and is available here:




Key Dates

September 2019
Monday 23Year 8: History Trip to the Tower of London

Tuesday 24Resources Committee Governors
Year 11: First Aid Practical Assessment ( Health and Social Care)
Year 11: Drama Component 1&2 Practical Exam
Year 7/8: Parents’ Evening re French Trip to Chateau Beaumont’
Wednesday 25Parent/Headteacher Clinic
Governors Pastoral Committee
Acting Academy
Thursday 26Year 11: Colleges Evening
Friday 27#HotchocFri


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