Supporting Your Child


Pupils’ personal development and wellbeing is central to the ethos and aims of Cams Hill School. It involves all members of the school community: governors, the senior leadership team, all teaching and support staff, pupils, parents/carers, and visitors. Pupils who feel known and safe are more likely to fulfil their potential, academically and in other areas of school life, and to participate responsibly in the school community.

We aim to give all our pupils an experience of school which will enable them to be healthy, safe, and to enjoy their work. We encourage pupils to make a positive contribution to the school and wider community, and to achieve economic well-being in the future.

The central importance of the Year teams, who aim to promote the welfare of the pupils, is recognised in the fact that all members of the teaching staff are attached to year teams, and take part in year activities. All teachers contribute to the teaching of Personal development learning and citizenship, (PDLC), where a broad curriculum tackles topics such as friendships, relationships, assertiveness, self-awareness, e-safety, staying safe, bullying (including cyberbullying, healthy eating, smoking, alcohol and other drugs, and relationships and sex education).

We have high expectations of our pupils and a clear and simple behaviour policy, which is based on being ready, respectful and safe.

Without any doubt the most important teacher for your child is their form tutor. He or she is the best person for your child to go to if they have any difficulties or problems. They are there to help, advise and guide them through their personal and social development. The form tutor will see your child every day and will be interested in everything that they do. They will do everything they can to help your child settle in quickly and make sure that they make the right progress in lessons.

In year 7 we have a dedicated team of tutors to support pupils through their initial transition from primary school in to secondary.

The form tutor will supervise form activities, period 5, and make sure pupils are using their planner correctly. They will ensure pupils have the correct equipment and are prepared for learning; rewarding good attendance, punctuality, uniform, attitude to learning and organisation.

There is a dedicated Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year for each year group. These teams oversee academic tracking, target-setting and PDLC for pupils in their year group. The Assistant Head of Year for each year group does not teach and is therefore available throughout the day to resolve any issues for pupils.

The Pupil Council, which is made up of delegates from each form, from each Year group play an important role in gathering pupils’ views, and initiating suggestions for improved facilities and services.

We have a range of policies to ensure the welfare, health and safety of pupils at all times whilst on school premises, and on school trips in this country and abroad. Many of these policies can be found on our website, or are available from the school on request.

At Cams Hill School we take the personal development and wellbeing of all our pupils very seriously and we are here to support them throughout the duration of their studies.

This ranges from their personal safety and security, broadening their horizons through field-trips, work placements and other extra-curricular activities, and ensuring we are meeting their personal and academic needs through to high quality careers advice and guidance.

All staff are involved in the wellbeing, support and care of pupils. We aim to deliver stretch and challenge to provide chances, and maximise opportunities.


The main point of contact for pupils and parents is the form tutor Years 7 to 11). They will support their tutor group and deal with a wide range of issues including:

  • Academic progress
  • Organisation
  • Friendship issues
  • Well being

The tutors will liaise with other staff as appropriate. If you have any concerns about your child please get in touch via the school reception 01329 231641.

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