Weekly Newsletter 20 October 2017


20th October 2017


Weekly Message

It has been a typically busy end to the half-term. Early this morning, pupils and staff met in readiness for a week-long trip to Chateau Beaumont. During this week, pupils will visit the local sites and improve their competency in French. The highlight of this week no doubt will be a two-day visit to Paris, with one of the days being a trip to Disneyland Paris.


Yesterday evening, the Events Hall was packed with approximately two hundred parents for a Year 11 Information Evening. Information and guidance was given by Mrs Newman (Key Stage 4 Manager) on some practical ways for parents to support their children during this very stressful year. There were then presentations by Mrs Ellis (Head of English) and Miss Wilson (Head of Maths) on how parents can help their children in these two key subjects. After these presentations, parents then had the opportunity to speak to Heads of Department and our Exams Officer to find out what pupils are doing and how they can be supported. Copies of all the A4 subjects sheets, as well as the PowerPoint presentations from Mrs Newman, Mrs Ellis and Miss Wilson, will be available on the school website after half-term.


Home-school communication is key in supporting the 1200 pupils who attend Cams Hill. This half-term, we are have been in communication with a small group of parents regarding the arrangements in the Dining Hall. Please read the letter from Mrs Harrison-Jones that has been sent out today regarding the changes we are making after half-term in response to these concerns.


Finally, a reminder that the first day back, Monday 30 October, is an INSET day so the site is closed to all children. We hope that you are all able to have a restful holiday.


The weekly Headteacher’s blog contains more informal reflections from the week and is available via the following link  https://camsheadteacher.wordpress.com/



Art Exhibition

This week has been a fantastic week for the Art Department. Monday 16 October saw the return of some of our ex-year 11 Art and Technology pupils who we had invited back to a much anticipated Private View showcasing their GCSE work. It was brilliant to see them and hear how they are getting on in college and the work looked incredible. The Exhibition Hall then became an additional classroom for the department and offered opportunities for the team to bring their classes to discuss the art work, specifically focusing on colour, texture, composition and content.

The Camscreative entries were also exhibited alongside the GCSE show and we ended the week with the prizegiving for our winners. More info below:

September 2017 saw the launch of our annual Cams Creative Art Competition. The competition was open to Years 7-11 and also Cams Hill staff. Details were shared in Art lessons; the theme for the competition was ‘Welcome to the Future’. Entrants were able to use any type of art form to execute their idea. They were also encouraged to write a short piece explaining the thoughts behind their work. As always, the competition created a great buzz around the school from pupils and staff alike!

The entries were judged by Miss Matthews (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Oswald-Cutler (Head of Art) and Mrs Gough (School Governor). Mrs Harrison-Jones (Headteacher) judged her favourites and the finalists were invited to a prize ceremony on Friday 20 October. The voting was also open to the rest of the school during the exhibition and a great number of you voted for your favourites.

The Art Department would like to thank all of the pupils and staff that made this competition possible and we are already planning for the next year’s theme. If you only thought about entering this time make sure that you do something about it next year! Remember to look on Camscreative Instagram for images of the work that was on display.

Categories and Winners

  • Fine Art
    1st prize – Amy Lobo, 7H
    Runner up – Jaiden Choudhury, 8C
  • 3-D/ Sculpture
    1st prize – Evie Morrison-Hoare, 7H
    Runner up – Caitlin Martin and Sophie Wood, 9I
  • Mixed Media/Textiles
    1st prize – Lauren Matthews, 9C
    Runner up – Saranne Charlton, 8M
  • Photography
    1st prize – Abi Bradshaw, 10L2
  • Staff
    1st prize – Mrs Johnston
    Runner up – Mrs Ure
  • Head teachers commendation
    1st prize – Emily Law, 8L2
    Runner up – Louise Buxcey, 9C
  • Public Vote
    1st prize – Elizabeth Lindsell, 7H
    Runner up – Maisie De Grey and Ellie-May Coote, 11S

Some quotes from the event:

“Brodie King’s hat was fabulous! Fantastic exhibits. Great effort – well done you talented people.” Nicola Trend, governor.

“Beautiful art – so many clever pupils.” Mrs Salmon, parent.

“Fantastic talent!! Jaw dropping work that really makes you step back and admire.” Anonymous, guest book.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, governors, parents and most especially the pupils who have made this week extra special.
Thank you.

Mrs Oswald-Cutler





Cams Library Newsletter



Pudsey’s Round Pound Collection

We are collecting your old round pounds for Children In Need. Any you wish to donate can be bought to your tutor by Friday 3rd November. There are apparently over 450 million still in circulation so let’s get hunting…


Key Dates

June 2019
Monday 17Year 11: GCSE German Paper 4 (AM 1h/1h 15m)
Year 11: GCSE Certificate in Further Mathematics (calculator) (PM 2h)
Year 8 & 9: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition
Tuesday 18Year 11: GCSE Additional Mathematics (AM 2h)
Year 11: GCSE Hospitality and Catering Spec A - Unit 1 (on screen) (AM 1h 45m)
Year 7: Parents Evening
Wednesday 19Year 10 Mock Exam: Statistics Paper 1 10C
Year 10 Mock Exam: PE Paper 2 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Drama 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Catering 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Biology Paper 1 (am)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Biology Paper 1
Year 7: Gosport and Fareham Track and Field Athletics Championships Mountbatten Centre Portsmouth
Thursday 20Year 8: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition Entries DEADLINE
Year 10 Mock Exam: Maths Paper 1 (non-calculator)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Business Paper 1
Friday 21Year 10 Mock Exam: Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Geography Paper 1
TBC Year 9: Stem Event



Puzzle Corner

There is no puzzle corner this week. Stay tuned for after half term!



Sports News


Year 10 Boys’ Football won against Brune Park 6-5

Year 8 Girls’ A Team Netball won against Brune Park 38-23

Year 11 Boys’ Football lost against Brookfield 4-0

Year 10/11 Girls’ Netball won against Brune Park 22-8

Year 9 Girls’ Netball lost against Brune Park 12-11

Year 7 Boys’ Rugby Competition lost 4 won 2


FIXTURES W/C 30 October 2017
Fixtures for the week after half term are still to be confirmed.



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Lost Property

If items are not found on the day they are lost, please keep checking with the First Aid Room as they can often take a couple of weeks to reach us.


Monday 09 July 2018 - Friday 13 July 2018
Padded Beige hoodie uk 18-20 Ayacucho
Black Mountain Warehouse Coat size M
White NB trainers size 7.5
Black/white adidas football boots size 11
Black plimsoles size 5
Nike trainers Blue speckled size 5
White/Green Nike football boots size 7
Various keys, glasses, jewellery
White Headphones
PE kit in White bag
White Cedar Wood State Hoodie size S
Grey Hoodie “I’m so freaking cold” size S
Light Grey Next hoodie size 13 years
Green Next Sun cap 7-10 years
Various Water bottles
Grey Hype jumper size 11-12 years
PE Kit in Navy Bag (Bottoms size 20, Top size L)
Black Clarks shoes size 9G
Black Capsule trainers size 8
Black laced plimsoles size 4
1 Black Slazenger plimsole size 3
Fox Head purse with Yellow wrist band


Various keys, watches and pairs of spectacles are kept in the Medical Room when handed into lost property. When named items are handed in to the Medical Room Form Tutors are notified by e-mail or printed slips, which are sent in school registers, to ask pupils to come and collect the items.



School Trips Update

You may pay online for the majority of trips at https://www.scopay.com/camshill-hants


Year 7 & 8 MFL French Trip to Chateau Beaumont – October 2017
Medical form, passport, EHIC and behaviour agreement now overdue (due Tuesday 26 September)


Year 10 Computing Trip to the National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes
Payment of £47.00 now overdue (due Friday 13 October)


Year 10 Geography GCSE Trip to Iceland – February 2018
Seventh and final instalment of £110.00 due by Tuesday 31 October

Iceland 2018Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit13 February 2017£150.00£150.00
First instalment31 March 2017£150.00£300.00
Second instalment28 April 2017£110.00£410.00
Third instalment26 May 2017£110.00£520.00
Fourth instalment30 June 2017£110.00£630.00
Fifth instalment21 July 2017£110.00£740.00
Sixth instalment29 September 2017£110.00£850.00
Seventh and final instalment31 October 2017£110.00£960.00


Year 9 History Trip to the Battlefields – March 2018
First instalment of £50.00 due by Tuesday 31 October


Water Sports Trip to the Ardeche –July/August 2018
Third instalment of £60.00 due by Tuesday 31 October

Ardeche 2018Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit24 May 2017£100.00£100.00
Second non-refundable deposit30 June 2017£100.00£200.00
First instalment21 July 2017£60.00£260.00
Second instalment29 September 2017£60.00£320.00
Third instalment31 October 2017£60.00£380.00
Fourth instalment30 November 2017£60.00£440.00
Fifth instalment31 January 2018£55.00£495.00
Sixth instalment28 February 2018£55.00£550.00
Seventh instalment29 March 2018£55.00£605.00
Eighth and final instalment30 April 2018£55.00£660.00


Ski Trip 2019 (Years 7-9)
Deposit of £100.00 due by Friday 20 October



Miscellaneous News Items

Disclaimer: Cams Hill School is not recommending the following services, simply providing information that may be of interest. We cannot vouch for safeguarding, insurance or health and safety aspects of these companies so please access their websites for further information. 


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