Weekly Message 236 – 13 September 2024


13th September 2024



We have concluded our first Week B of the year. Many pupils have now experienced lessons in all the subjects on their timetable and the school routine is well underway. Years 10 and 11 pupils have settled exceptionally well into their GCSE/Key Stage 4 courses with a sharp focus on maximising learning time where attendance to school and punctuality to lessons are key.


Many pupils have already participated in the extra-curricular activities we have on offer, and we remind pupils, parents, and carers that you can refer to the website to see all the activities on offer.


This week assemblies have been delivered by Mr Hudson (Headteacher) with key messages shared with the pupil community. He spoke to pupils about the new school values:


Courtesy: We foster a welcoming and respectful environment for learning, where everyone feels included and supported. We respect and appreciate each other, practise honesty and show kindness, compassion, and care for the community in which we live.


Courage: We encourage pupils to be resilient, independent, and capable of learning from both success and failure. This determination builds self-confidence, empowering pupils to make decisions and stand by their principles in an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish.


Commitment: We maintain the highest standards in everything we do, every day. We emphasise responsibility, hard work, dedication, and determination. We give our best in lessons, homework, clubs, and when representing the school. Hard work and resilience are essential life skills, while a readiness to learn and pride in our work are crucial to achieving success.


We ask parents and carers to continue to support their children with their attendance to ensure that they are in school every day, on time and ready to learn.


Art Clubs




Menu w/c 16 September 2024

NEW menu Week 3


Sports News

After School Activities

This week pupils have been participating in training sessions as part of our extra-curricular offer. All games start from next week and we are wishing everyone who is taking part in a game the best of luck.


Reminder – Leggings/Tracksuit Bottoms for PE Lessons

We remind pupils, parents, and carers that leggings can be worn for PE, but they must be plain black or dark navy blue with no pattern or branding of any kind.

Tracksuit bottoms can also be worn but these too must be plain black or dark navy blue with no pattern or branding of any kind.

Thank you for your support in this regard.


Whole School Letters Published This Half Term

Below is a list of letters emailed to all parents/carers this half term together with the date and time they were sent.  If you are unable to find any of the communications, please email office@camshill.com and we can send you a further copy.

Proposal to build secondary school in Whiteley – 6/9/24 1136

Photo permissions – 5/9/24 1042

Punctuality to school – 4/9/24 1306

Uniform for Thursday 5 September – 3/9/24 1101

Start of Autumn Term – 30/8/24 1031

Summer mailing – 28/8/24 – 1354


Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively

Below is a link to a post from The National College with tip for supporting children to manage conflict effectively.




House Points Averages per Pupil for This Week

Year 7          8.56 points

Year 8          9.11 points

Year 9          10.62 points

Year 10        7.15 points

Year 11        5.43 points



This week – 95.5%

Same week last year – 95.9%


MathsWatch and Educake

These are two online resources that we expect pupils to be accessing routinely with homework set by teachers and independently to support their progress in Maths, Science, and other subjects. We ask parents/carers to check in with their child to see whether they are accessing these resources routinely and to encourage the best use of them.


Maths figure are below for Years 8 to 11 and from next week we will also publish the figures for Year 7 and for Science so that parents and carers can gauge the level of access they should be expecting from their child.


If there are issues with access, please bring this to the school’s attention as soon as possible so that we can help.



Average number of questions answered per pupil this week


Year 8 3.2 questions
Year 9 2.8 questions
Year 10 2.0 questions
Year 11 6.6 questions


Highest number of questions answered by one pupil this week


Year 8 178 questions
Year 9 22 questions
Year 10 50 questions
Year 11 129 questions


Not all Maths homework is set on MathsWatch, which is likely to affect the averages. 


Maths Assessment dates for Autumn term


w/b 30 September – Year 10 – 2 papers, one using a calculator

w/b 7 October – Year 9 – non-calculator paper

w/b 14 October – Year 8 – non-calculator paper

w/b 21 October – Year 7 – non-calculator paper


w/b 4 November – Year 11 – to be confirmed

w/b 2 December – Year 10 – 2 papers, one using a calculator

w/b 9 December – Year 9 – calculator paper

w/b 16 December Year 8 – calculator paper

w/b 16 December – Year 7 – calculator paper


A revision list will be published a week before the assessment to support with homework preparation for the test.


Assessments will be marked by the class teacher and then feedback will be given in class along with a pupil feedback sheet to support future learning.


Calculators and other equipment for sale


Casio fx-83GT scientific calculators can be bought via Scopay and collected from the Finance Office.  Prices of these and other items for sale are shown below:


Casio fx-83GT scientific calculator- £9.00

Pre-packed pencil case – £2.50

Pair of compasses – 29p

Protractor – 9p

100 blank flashcards – £1.00

A range of GCSE Maths revision materials for KS4 use – See Scopay for details




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