Weekly Message 235 – 6 September 2024


27th August 2024


First Day Team Building for Year 7 pupils


The new term is underway!


This is our Weekly Message which offers a reflection on the week past, is a vehicle to celebrate pupil success, contribution, and achievement and to highlight forthcoming events and activities. We ask that parents and carers also refer to the school’s website and calendar to keep up-to-date.


All pupils have arrived prepared for the year ahead, meeting new teachers and experiencing some subjects for the first time. Year 7 pupils are familiarising themselves with their new school routine, getting to know each other and making new friends. They are successfully navigating themselves around school and enjoying the level of independence the secondary school environment offers.


The start of a new school year is always an exciting time and there has been a real buzz about the place this week; we very much look forward to working with pupils, parents and carers throughout the year that lies ahead.


First Day for Year 7 Pupils

On Wednesday, after weeks and months of planning and eager anticipation, we finally opened our gates to welcome the Class of 2029 to Cams Hill School. On their first day, they spent time in their tutor groups reconnecting with familiar faces from transition days and activity weeks, as well as making new friends with those they were meeting for the first time. Then it was straight into lessons, accompanied throughout by the Year 9 buddies who gave up their final day of summer to make the Year 7s feel as secure and welcome as possible. We were fortunate that the sun stayed out for the afternoon, and we were able to go ahead with our teambuilding event on the field, run and judged by our fantastic PE Department – it was competitive but good-natured, and fun was had by all. They are settling in well, impressing their teachers with their positivity, and supporting each other. Welcome to the Cams Hill community, Class of 2029!!!


PE Clubs/Fixtures this Half Term

Below is the full list of PE clubs on offer to pupils this half term. Pupils interested in joining a club should go to the Sports Hall after school on the day the club is taking place.  They should bring full PE kit to change into unless they have a PE lesson on that day. All clubs will begin at 15:15 and run for an hour.


Please ensure you make arrangements for your child’s safe journey home. If pupils have any other questions regarding clubs, please ask them to find a member of the PE Department at an appropriate time and they can also speak with their tutor.


Clubs beginning w/c Monday 9 September 2024


Rugby Club Year 7-9 only

Volleyball Club Year 9-11 only

Netball Club Year 7-11

Girls Football Training Year 7-11

Boys Football ‘come and play’ Year 7 and 8 only

Dance Club- Year 7-11

Dance Live Rehearsals


Fixtures (Invite only) beginning w/c Monday 16 September 2024


Fixtures for Year 9, 10 and 11 Boys Football Teams

Fixtures for Year 8-11 Girls Netball Teams

Fixtures for Year 9-11 Girls Football Teams (towards the end of half term)



Monday – Year 7 and 9 boys’ training

Wednesday – Year 8 boys’ training



Tuesday – Year 9 boys’ fixtures

Wednesday – Years 7 and 8 boys’ ‘come and play’ and Year 10 boys’ fixtures

Thursday – Year 7 – 11 girls’ training and Year 11 boys’ fixtures



Monday – Year 7 – 11 girls’ training

Tuesday – Year 8 girls’ fixtures

Wednesday – Year 9 girls’ fixtures

Thursday – Years 10/11 girls’ fixtures



Monday – Years 9-11 training



Monday – Dance Live rehearsals

Thursday – Years 7/8 Club and GCSE revision


Reporting Attendance Using Studybugs

We strive for good attendance at Cams Hill, and we ask that you use the Studybugs app to inform the school of your child’s absence.


If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child is ill and unable to attend school.  You can also click on this link too. Get the app or register now (https://studybugs.com/about/parents)


There are three good reasons to use Studybugs:


  1. It is integrated with our systems, so we know right away if your child is unaccounted for.
  2. It is quick and easy to register and use and it automatically reminds you to keep us posted if your child is absent.
  3. You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health. (https://studybugs.com/about/schools).


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school, and speak to Mrs White (Attendance and Home School Link Worker).



NEW menu Week 2

Next week’s features:

  • Chefs Pod Chicken Burgers and BBQ Fries
  • Friday Mars Milkshake


Whole School Letters Published This Half Term


Below is a list of letters emailed to all parents/carers this half term together with the date and time they were sent.  If you are unable to find any of the communications, please email office@camshill.com and we can send you a further copy.

Proposal to build secondary school in Whiteley – 6/9/24 1136

Photo permissions – 5/9/24 1042

Punctuality to school – 4/9/24 1306

Uniform for Thursday 5 September – 3/9/24 1101

Start of Autumn Term – 30/8/24 1031

Summer mailing – 28/8/24 – 1354



House Points Averages per Pupil for This Week


Year 7         6.01 points (3-day week)

Year 8         2.73 points (2-day week)

Year 9         2.99 points (2-day week)

Year 10        2.25 points (2-day week)

Year 11        0.72 points (2-day week)





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