Enterprise Support

How we work with employers – At Cams Hill School we understand the importance of embedding careers within our curriculum and inspiring every pupil from Years 7 to 11.
We work closely with a number of local and national industry representatives who come back time after time and are always happy to hear from local businesses who can help us further. Talking to our pupils is enlightening, raises aspirations and improves their communication skills. It also is an ideal way to develop staff knowledge.

We offer a variety of events for employers to participate in:
• Year 10 Mock Interviews
• Year 10 Work Experience
• Classroom talks
• Assemblies
• Bespoke small group sessions
• In school employment tasters
• Careers fairs
• Plus many more and we are always open to new ideas!

If you would like to get involved, please complete this form and we will be in touch https://forms.office.com/e/QbjHNHH2km

Our Provider Access Policy can be found here