Results Day 2022


Lead: Miss R Matthews (Deputy Headteacher)

Lead: Mrs O Ure (Exams Officer)


Cams Hill School is incredibly proud of the Class of 2022 who collected their exam results today. They worked so very hard with great support from teachers, parents and carers to achieve fantastic results!

Class of 2022 is the cohort who took their English Literature exam early in Year 10 and have successfully navigated significant Covid-19 related disruption throughout their GCSE / KS4 experience. These figures include the English Literature results.  We are so very proud of them all.

The Average Grade that pupils have achieved at Cams Hill School is 5+.


School Reported 2022 Outcomes Data*

83% of our pupils achieved a grade 9-4 Maths

86% of our pupils achieved a grade 9-4 English

79% of our pupils achieved a grade 9-4 English and Maths

72% of our pupils achieved a grade 9-5 English

63% of our pupils achieved a grade 9-5 Maths

58% of our pupils achieved 9-5 English and Maths

P8 Score – 0.2

A8 Score 52.86

Ebacc APS 4.46


Individual Pupil Success

C Gibbard achieved 10 grade 9s, J Nash achieved 9 grade 9s,A Choudhury and A Lobo achieved 8 grade 9s,L Pillai achieved 7 grade 9s, S Wood achieved 6 grade 9s and an A*in  A Level Maths, A Barnes, T Czura, A Morrison-Hoare, T Ozanne, A Rawlings and J Wilson achieved all 9 – 7 grades or equivalents.

(*all data is provisional and subject to change. This is school published data).

Please click here for the Government performance data.

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